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Arewa girls General

AREWA GIRLS NOW AND BEFORE, THE BITTER TRUTH At 24 I have been in a real relationship thrice. One was serious and the others were a waste of time. My cry is not about the relationship I had, it’s about the ones I didn’t have simply because my Arewa girls would not give it a chance. While growing up our parents (Fathers) used to tell us interesting stories of how they married our mothers. Ever since I was a kid, my dream was to get a good girl who is educated enough to take care of me and my kids. Alas, my dream is yet to materialize. Today’s girls are completely different from yesterdays. Are our parents (Mothers) to blame or the society? That’s a question I’ve been burning to get an answer. No generation has witness the birth of beautiful young women like ours. Even with all the heavy make-ups in the market. One cannot deny that the beautiful ones have already been born. Unfortunately, beauty without a good heart is a waste of cosmetics. Our parents (Mothers) were not too pretty, but they got husbands and married at the right time. They didn’t give our Daddies hard time, they simply gave them their hearts and today we are witnessing the last age of real love. I say this because after their generation, there will be nothing like love. Lust will take over. My Arewa girls have made love so expensive, it’s now sold to the highest bidder. Pride; Show me one Arewa girl who is not prideful and I will run a marathon from Kano to Lagos. If a mountain will increase each time a girl’s pride rises, I guess Mars will now be our home. The other day I was at Shoprite with a friend. While we were walking by some girls who were taking pictures and selfies. My friend volunteered to take them a shot or two so they could have a different angular view. Just when he declared his intention to them, my Arewa girls pretended as if their ears where not functional. He withdrew to me and we left. My friend who has a good heart felt the girls needed help and will be better if they had their pictures taken from a different direction. However, his intention was perceived and translated otherwise. Instead of them to politely decline, their pride made them behave like those creatures in the Zoo. Love is a barter of deep sense of feeling and an ocean of emotions not a battle ground for pride. In the olden days, women see fashion as priority only after the issues at home have been sorted out. Well, today it’s a different story entirely. Last week a woman sold the foodstuffs in her house to buy clothes for her friend’s wedding. It doesn’t matter how or where the finances come from, what matters is they must put on the latest designers and accessories. If their boyfriends or husbands cannot afford it, they solicit other means to fill their obsession. This alone is a criteria for giving you their time or affection. If you can’t provide for them, then start learning how to continue living a bachelor’s life. As for the woman who sold her foodstuffs, she slept in a police cell. I can’t blame the husband. I once told a friend that I will marry a girl who had just completed her secondary school. After we’ve gotten a kid or two, I will allow her to further her education. A lot of people view my opinion as bizarre while to many others is a welcome idea. They say educate a man and you educate an individual, but educate a woman and you educate a community. I believe this saying works in the past. If education will become the reason why a girl will disregard totally what the society holds in high regards, I think then that she shouldn’t get that education. Our so called educated girls no longer have respect for values that are of importance to the growth and stability of the society. The education they seek have given them so much exposure and enlightenment far beyond what they need. They no longer care about morals of dressing and respect and values of womanhood and chastity. They have lost what it means to be a woman of dignity, a symbol of peace and tranquility. Nothing breaks my heart than the way contemporary Arewa girls behave in relationships. You can hardly find a guy who is happy with his courtship with Arewa girls. The kind of pain and agony we suffer from them are rarely been experienced by my comrades on the other side of the map. Where have we (Guys) gone wrong? I don’t seem to know. When you date an Arewa girl, you must be mete with any of the following treatment, neglect, disdain, disregard, disrespect and many irrational reactions. To them it is a test of love and loyalty. Even the Nigerian Army doesn’t treat new recruits the way Arewa girls treat guys. This may probably be the reason why some of us misbehave. We are been subjected to harsh emotional conditions so we find solace elsewhere. Sometimes in many places at the same time. I personally believe that if love is what it is, it cannot be shared amongst persons, but only to one who truly deserves it. I like my Arewa girls, but it’s the traits they exhibit that discourage me. I know all of you cannot change at once. However, I am sincerely calling on any of you who read this article to start by assessing yourself and proceed to restructuring how you deal with my kind. We are pillars on which you must stand, why break us when you can make us stand stronger. To love a thing and find it wanting in loyalty and respect is misappropriation of faith. Don’t you think?

May 12, 07:54 AM
Hausa people claim to be from the religion they call peace. Crime

I have been wondering why the North is full of kidnapping, rapist and insecurities more than the south at this time. and they say they are Muslims and it means peace then why is the opposite happening in their communities. someone please explain to me.

May 11, 08:14 PM
my cousin has gone astray in school should i tell her parents? Advice

my cousin has become a bad girl following boys and smoking shisha shes not even concentrating on her studies and i am the only one around her she's from sokoto schooling here in kaduna. i think even if i talk to her she will not listen amma idan na fada ma parents dinta she will hate me and our relationship will spoil please what's the best thing to do i want to help her

May 10, 03:14 PM

Wai shin menene yake sa matan aure aikata zina da karuwanci? Ina mafita?

May 9, 02:53 PM
Healthy dieting during Ramadan Health

The month of Ramadan is a very important period in the lives of every Muslim. Aside the immense reward derived during this period, it also moves souls closer to their creator thereby making way for spiritual fulfillment and satisfaction. However fasting in this holy month carries a high risk of dehydration as food and drink are limited to before sunrise and after sunset. Furthermore, as fasting individuals are encouraged to wake up very early to have their Suhoor (or pre-dawn meal), sleep deprivation and dehydration can lead to headaches. Below are some little tips on how to carry out a healthy and successful fasting; 1. Don't skip Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) As the saying goes, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. During Ramadan, it becomes even more important! Although skipping Suhoor to have uninterrupted sleep may sound appealing, you shouldn’t. Skipping Suhoor prolongs the fasting period as the individuals body will need to rely on the previous meal to be provided with all the nutrients and energy until Iftar (dinner). Due to the longer hours of fasting, an individual is more likely to feel dehydrated and tired during the day. Furthermore, skipping Suhoor also encourages overeating during Iftar, which can cause unhealthy weight gain. Secondly,just as it is not advisable to skip Suhoor, over consumption when it is time to break the fast can harm the body. Iftar should be a well-balanced, nutritious meal and not a feast! Overeating and excessive consumption of high-fat foods in particular may result in indigestion and weight gain. Slow down and enjoy each mouthful of your food with a bismillah. Again, it is common for fasting individuals to try to reward themselves with rich, greasy, fried and sugary dishes come meal time. While these foods make you feel good in the short run, they can make fasting the next day more difficult.Aside from the unhealthy weight gain, consuming fatty and sugary foods also cause sluggishness and fatigue. For ulcer patients it can serve as a trigger and In addition, you should limit your intake of salt, especially during Suhoor (pre-dawn meal), as this increases thirst. Instead, try incorporating foods from all the major food groups including fruit and vegetables, rice and alternatives, as well meat and alternatives. Consuming fibre-rich foods during Ramadan is also ideal as they are digested slower than processed foods so you feel full longer. Lastly, drinking as much water as required between iftar (dinner) and Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) reduces the individuals risk of dehydration during fasting. Make every effort to drink at least 8 glasses of fluids daily before dawn and after sundown. Fluids include juices, milk, beverages and soups but water is the best choice. Ideally, you should also cut down on caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea and colas as these have a diuretic effect and promotes fluid loss. A well-balanced diet is key to healthy fasting during Ramadan. May Allah (SWT) accept all acts of Ibadah we perform in this month and beyond!

May 9, 10:32 AM
You can't have it All! General

*No* *one* *has* *it* *all* ... *A* *must* *Read* !!! *Ayisha* , mad, sleeps under the bridge but in her hands are twin handsome boys she gave birth to some weeks ago. *Esther* , living in a posh house, drives posh cars, went to the best hospital in town for ante-natal care but see her crying for she has another miscarriage. *Halima* , beautiful, good job, good house, good husband yet her pillow *suffers* every night with wetness of her *tears* , because she is yet to *conceive* . Hmmmmmmmmmmm *Life* is deep, who can *understand* it? *Francis*, lives with his parents, his father is a poor *carpenter* , he goes to school on foot every morning with empty stomach, yet he is exceptionally *brilliant* . *Tony* , a son of a wealthy *politician* , goes to school, with escorts and assorted food and drinks yet he cannot *assimilate* what he is being *taught* . *Malcom* , son of a medical *doctor* , *crippled he cannot help himself, his father cannot help him yet he treats others and they get healed. What is in this life self? We all have it in bits, that is the irony of life. So why the bitterness, the envy, the anger , let's learn to manage our bit and see how we can make it better. *Suraya,virgin,focused, intelligent, but she was raped on her way to school, she became pregnant , and life was on hold for a moment, Life!!! Life!!! Life!!! Mary, prostitute, nothing to write home about, married to a good man, have four lovely kids and doing great. Cindy, rich family, beautiful, good job humble, but yet to have a man to call her own. None should think he is better than the next person because we have it in bits,as we try to manage our bit, let us also try to be a support system. No one is more, no one is less, we are all unique in our own way. It is so funny and indeed pitiable to see someone acting so proud and inhumane just because he or she has a slight advantage over others in a particular area of life . Someday when death beckons, you will respond with all your cluttering material possessions We live by ALLAH'S grace so be thankful to ALLAH and stop the arrogance. ???

May 9, 10:18 AM
Parents treating siblings differently General

I really don't understand why parents treats siblings differently. I know a family su biyar ne yaran,mata 4 namiji 1. The four girls are very obedient suna da hankali sosai but the the boy sai a hankali ga shaye shaye da rashin kunya wa iyayen idan ya sha ya bugu sai yazo ya zagi maman su ya ci Mata mutunci wlhy he always makes her cry but duk da haka tafi son shi,if those 4 girls make little mistake you know nobody is above mistake a rayuwa,haka zatayi ta musu fada sometimes ma haka kawai zata hau kansu tana musu fada,shi kuma duk abinda yake yi bata ganin laifin sa in fact she doesn't want to hear a bad word against him, how do we tackle this problem?

May 9, 10:15 AM
In marriage does it mean mens can do whatever they want unlike women Marriage

It always surprises me idan naga yanda ake kuntata wa mata da sunan aure (I’m sorry nasan da yawa zasu ce what the fuck am I trying to say) a gaskiya in my opinion yanda ake treating mata a gidajen auren su is not fair I.e zaka ga namiji ya futittike shi dole matar sa bazata social media ba, kuma ga irin kayan da zata saka, shi bai yarda tai mu’amala da wani ko wance ba and so on, wani ma koda ya barta da waya ya dingi bin kwakwaf me takeyi a ciki haba why all this could you imagine akwai mijin da sai matar tayi bacci zai dauki wayar bincike ko a shiga toilet dashi, amma shi zai iya ganin hoton wance yai like or comment romantic but the wife even with friends sai an tuhume ta haba maza!!!! Allah dai ya kara shiryar damu. Ramadan Kareem Arewaup family.

May 9, 08:41 AM
what's bad in delaying marriage? Marriage

kawai dan mace ta kai certain age se a matsa mata ta kawo miji ni na kasa gane abin. like what's the point I am almost 30 but I am working on my career first to take care of my self I don't wanna depend on my parents or a man. wani uncle dina was telling me wai yanzu maza basu kai mata yawa ba so inyo sauri in nemo miji kafin scarcity ya karu. Ni ban damu ba ko kadan lastly auren ai ba dole bane bazan takura kai na ba amma idan na samu mijin da ya dace zanyi. yanda aka dauki aure especially for girls is annoying and ignorant. I just fell like ranting about it.

May 8, 11:26 AM
Is buying something from Jumia safe? Advice

I am in kano and thinking of ordering some items from Jumia but i am doubting, please has anyone ever used their service to tell me how it is and how the goods get delivered. or can you recommended any e commerce website with a trusted service? i could not find the items here in kano so i am depending on online shopping. Thanks

May 7, 03:56 PM
I masturbated this morning and ejaculated is my fasting still valid? Advice

i feel ashamed to ask anyone this that's why i'm here, pls if its not valid does it mean i can eat for the rest of the day and make up for it after ramadan? please anyone with knowledge about this let me know.

May 7, 09:53 AM
Masu yin sadaqa da ramadan suna publicizing Religion

i just wonder dan me suke yi, idan dan Allah ne then you only need to prove it to him right? even some hausa celebrities as this is the first day of ramadan i have seen their posts on how they feed people or are planning to feed people. do you have a lesser reward if you publicize such acts? or it doesn't matter as long as niyyar ka nada kyau?

May 6, 09:49 PM
Abunda nayi ya dace? General

Jiya Ina cikin tafiya cikin gari, wani Mai mashin ya buga mun mota, ya ki tsaya wa Kuma ya zage Ni. Ni ma sai na buge shi da mota ya fadi ban tsaya ba na tafi. I feel a bit bad about it cuz Kila na dauki Alhakin shi but I am also thinking he deserves it.

May 6, 01:39 PM
Is it okay for a Girl to propose to a Guy? Relationship

I like a guy he's my course mate gashi yanzu muna final semester I have tried to give him hints but no avail we have spoke a few times and I really love him sosai since last year but I am shy to make it obvious, I don't want to loose him after school. please what is the best thing to do? should I propose directly or start a friendship to give him more hints. pls advice me.

May 5, 10:08 PM
why do hausa people view themselves as superior? General

I have been observing for a while that Hausa people in the North see themselves as better than other tribes. eg 1. You rarely find a Hausa man learning/speaking another tribe apart from his own. 2. A Muslim Yoruba friend of mine told me when he went to serve in yobe state only hausas lead prayer in the mosque. 3. they think it's their land and threatening to send other tribes out of their region in of religious crises. but the truth is that the hausa region is the face of poverty and illitracy in Nigeria, can that be the reason some think this way?

May 5, 04:23 AM

Wallahi sometimes is the ladies arouse it and after it happens people will saying blah blah blah. Because it happens to me but Alhamdulillah my God Has saved me so please and please peoples stop jumping into conclusions without any justifiable fact.

May 4, 03:49 PM
Family palava General

It's still on the marriage issues let me share my experience, i came home from school some months ago i don't know why my dad's side of the family feel i don't have a suitor already so they've been matching me with possible suitors from the family (see me see wahala) and it's not as if we are all in good terms i just dey look them. I don't understand why it's a crime to be at home after graduation it's not as if I'm in their house i dey my papa house dey mind my business but people won't let me be.

May 4, 03:03 PM
why do people say do not hit a lady? General

Salam pls those that say don't hit a lady does it mean a lady can come and slap you and you will just be looking like a fool? and also it's okay for a lady to hit a man ko?

May 4, 02:20 PM
Bad marriage Marriage

A failed engagement is better than a bad marriage. The mistakes, baggage and hurt you carry from it cuts across generations. Be wise and take your time to choose a partner ?.

May 4, 03:58 AM
Parental pressure on marriage Marriage

Gaskia yakamata iyaye su daina saka pressure akan 'ya'ya mata kan maganan aure,I mean aure lokaci ne idan lokacin ka baiyi ba wallahi ko sama da kasa zasu hade bazakayi ba but our parents don't understand this suna ga Kaman mun tsaya zabe ne bayan kuma ba haka bane. Marriage that happens due to pressure doesn't last long, how can we make our parents understand this?

May 3, 06:57 PM

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