Need Your Advice
Anonymous May 30, 04:29 PM

Need Your Advice 0

We've been dating for more than 6 years with this Fulani guy and ba wani magana ta progressing and now I met someone who's serious yana sona but he's serving da gidanshi da aikinshi shi kuma wannan fulani din he's trying his best ya samu aiki although yana wani aiki but yana neman wani kuma shi nake so do you think in ba wancan dama or duka in kyalesu. am worried wallahi


Anonymous #1 May 30, 07:43 PM
give the other guy chance har Inn da gaskiye yaki.. and keep praying Allah ya za ban Miki mafi alkhaire
reply 1
Ayshayari Jun 2, 02:30 PM
Sister pray istikhara,sai kizuba wa sarautar Allah ido,duk wanda yafi kwanciya miki a rai shikenan,but reconsider the first guy da kuka fi jimawa kin jira for 6yrs but sauran kadan kuma ki kasa jira…..well Allah y zabar miki da mafi Alkhairi
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Anonymous #2 Jun 11, 10:06 PM
Sister don't leave anyone because a guy can change Just keep doing istikhara In Shaa Allah you'll get the best amount them
reply 1

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