Nov 14, 07:07 PM
I overthink & get disappointed in my relationships
Assalamu alaykum wallahi there's this guy who made me fall in love with him and yanzu he's ignoring me kuma i never intend to love anyone after my last breakups amma this guy has been on my neck for almost 2 years now so now when i fell for him it feels he's ignoring me cause actually we're not dating yet he just claim he loves me and i told him i love him too.yanzu that i finally fell for him yana bani attitude kuma wallahi i know what i went through from my last breakup cause wallahi i went through alot let me say i am a sucidal i almost end my life subhaballah amma Alhamdulillah Allah baiyarda ba so i decided not to fall in love with any guy maybe sai yanasona da aure so this guy came to me with the intention wai yanasona when i gave in .i showed him I'm also in love yanzu it has turn to something else i don't know maybe he as something on his plate or I'm an overthinker i can help it.i just don t want history to repeat itself wallahi i can't take please i need advice should i keep pursuing him koh kawai na barshi. Allah yazabar min mafi alkhairi .