Dua for relief from debts and loans
Anonymous Apr 26, 09:13 AM

Dua for relief from debts and loans 2

Aisha(May be pleased with her) said "Abubakar As-sadiq(her father) came to me and said "I learnt a supplication from the the messenger of Allah (SAW). He told me that Isa son of Maryam used to teach his disciples thus: if there is a debt like the mountain of gold on any of you and you supplicate with this supplication, Allah will enable you to pay it off: Allahumma faarijal-hammi, wa kaashifal-ghammi, wa mujiiba da'watal-mudttariina, rahmanad-dunya wal-aakhirati wa rahiimahuma, 'anta tarhamnii, farhamnii bi rahmatin tughniinii biha 'an rahmatin man siwaak. "O Allah! You relieve people from all affliction and sadness; you answer the supplication of those who call upon you; you are the Beneficent of the world and the hereafter. You are the one to (shower your) mercy on me, so be favorable to me with such a favour that would suffice me from seeking such a favour from others besides you". Abubakar(May Allah be pleased with him) said: "I repeated this supplication and subsequently Allah cause me to make a profit. So I managed to pay off my debts. And Aisha(may Allah be pleased with her) said: I used to supplicate with this supplication and within a short period, I became relieved (of all my financial burdens) till Allah provided me with abundant provision, out of the gift people began to present to me, there is property that I inherited. Allah settled my debts for me, I gave a considerable portion of it to my relatives, I also allowed a large amount (three Aswaq) of money to the daughter of Abdur-Rahman, and there was more than enough left for me. (Related by Al-Bazaz, Al-Hakim and Al-Asbahani)


Mufeeyy Apr 26, 09:17 AM
Jazakallahu Khairan✨🙂🤲
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Anonymous Apr 26, 10:41 AM
The Prophet (SAW) said "shall I teach you some words of which if the simplified of a high mountain of debts is on you, Allah will pay it for you, say: Allahumma ikfinii bi halaalika 'an haraamika, wa aghninii bi fadlika 'am-man siwaaka. O Allah! Let me be contented with your Lawful sustenance against Your prohibition, and enrich me by virtue of Your grace, lest I should depend on none besides You". (Ahmad, Tirmidhi Report it from Ali (May Allah be pleased with him))
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Idris mu'awiya Nov 5, 04:35 AM
May Abundant reward from ALLAH be to both the writer and we the readers
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