Is it islamically okay to buy jaruma's blue eye?
Anonymous May 14, 04:14 PM

Is it islamically okay to buy jaruma's blue eye? 0

Ina so in siya blue eye din Jaruma that gives goodluck I have seen many testimonies about it. Amma someone was telling me wai it's Haram shirka ne kada in siya. pls what do you guys think?


Ibrahim salis May 15, 04:54 PM
kana iya siya I have also seen many testimonies about it and I'm thinking of buying. ba shirka bane ai ba wajen boka kaje ba Kuma duk abinda ya faru good or bad you believe it's from Allah that's all you can buy your blue eye. Goodluck
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Ibrahim baba May 16, 05:32 AM
This blue eye stuff, from what I gathered, is a talisman that brings good luck your way, it helps you to pass exams, get a promotion, pass an interview, get a job or even help you to collect money from a person that wouldn't have given you ordinarily or even help you get a husband or a wife. So relying on anything or anybody to things you can only rely on the Almighty to do is a form of associating partnership with your creator (shirk). Is your choice to make, either to buy a good luck charm or to pray and rely on Allah for your luck. Whatever Allah have predestined will always come your way at the right time and don't need any talisman or any eye but azkar and duas mostly in this holy month of Ramadan in which prayers are answered. Wallahu ta'ala a'ala wa a'alam
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Deejangala May 16, 07:39 AM
It is shirk nobody can give you what Allah has not given you, if you're using it to get money from someone then person is not giving you willingly, if it's love then it's not true because just like masu zuwa wajen boka you charmed the person, just because baki/baka shiga daji neman boka ba does not make the blue eye permissible. It's desame result that you'll get at the end of the day ko bahaka bane? People doing things for you that they never planned on doing.
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Zeeha May 16, 09:39 AM
Don't buy it,it's haram shirk ne,only rely and depend on Allah make lots of dua in this holy month,ask whatever you want from Allah, the dua of the fasting person is never rejected, the dua just before breaking the fast is not rejected and the dua made in the last third of the night is never rejected, this month literally means your duas will be accepted in shaa Allah, so I dnt advice you to buy jarumas blue eye,whatever you want whatever you need just pray about it
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