I masturbated this morning and ejaculated is my fasting still valid?
Anonymous May 7, 09:53 AM

I masturbated this morning and ejaculated is my fasting still valid? 0

i feel ashamed to ask anyone this that's why i'm here, pls if its not valid does it mean i can eat for the rest of the day and make up for it after ramadan? please anyone with knowledge about this let me know.


Najib Ata May 7, 10:18 AM
From the time that the maniy (semen) is ejaculated, the fast is broken, but the person should still fast for the rest of that day. It is not permissible for him to stop fasting, because of the sanctity of the month. Allahu aalam, May God Forgive us all.
reply 5
Zeeha May 7, 10:28 AM
If someone masturbates while fasting,his or her fasting is broken and he or she has to make up for it later on. But the person should still fast for the rest of the day,it is not permissible for him or her to stop fasting because of the sanctity of the month. You have to repent for breaking your fast by deliberately ejaculating
reply 11
Aiesher sadiqq May 7, 11:48 AM
you have gotten an answer but I just want to say if you are addicted to it you can use this holy month to stop the habbit. it's not impossible just try.
reply 12
Deejangala May 8, 08:55 PM
A lot of young people go through this but as Aisha said use this month to cleanse your heart, it might just be the turning point you need masturbation breaks the fast try not to stay alone, engage in various activities to take your mind off it. Try to minimize watching/reading romantic movies and novels. May Allah guide us all
reply 6

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