looking for a friend
Aisha abdullahi 20 Nov 4, 07:13 PM

looking for a friend 0

hello wonderful people I trust everyone is doing well? I'm looking for a friend who studied Physiotherapy I don't mind the gender or if you know someone that studied / studying Physiotherapy I need advice ( I don't mind the tribe just someone who is open minded and is willing to answer all my questions) also if you are into research I'm fine with that.. Thank you 😊


Abubakar Usman Nov 4, 07:19 PM
Asslm you mean R&D? ( research and development)
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Anonymous #1 Nov 4, 07:24 PM
I think what you are looking for is psychotherapist not physical therapist. Physical therapists are those who specialise in massage therapy and other body-related physical therapy. Whereas psychotherapist specialises in treating psychological problems.
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Aisha abdullahi 20 Nov 4, 10:10 PM

that's also okay so far the person is into research
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Abubakar Usman Nov 5, 02:20 AM

that's basically what I do.... 😎
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Anonymous #2 Nov 5, 08:02 AM
It actually depends on what's mental issues you are dealing with.. An insight pls?
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Umar Abdulsalam Nov 5, 08:10 PM
Wai babu matan suleja ne anan platform din
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Aisha abdullahi 20 Nov 6, 10:11 PM

how can I contact you
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Abubakar Usman Nov 6, 10:14 PM

07033385434 here...
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