The fault in our stars
Anonymous Feb 18, 10:13 PM

The fault in our stars 0

Ever watched this movie the fault in our stars? If you have you can relate to what I'm saying. This girl she's the only person I've ever loved with my full heart. It's not like we were perfect but we complimented each other and had so much in common. I can't write tens of thousand of words to describe how much I love her. She made me a better person, I encourage her to chase her dreams too. Life isn't guaranteed but do you know how it feels to love someone with all your heart and thinking this person might not be here the next moment. She was diagnosed with an ailment which I won't disclose it out of respect for her, and it's incurable you can only delay it but at the end your body will give up. She'll need a transplant to cure it completely. I've been trying to encourage her and let her know that this her sickness isn't terminal and she should take her drugs as she should and everything will be okay. I feel I'm living on a ticking time bomb. I've been planning on marriage and officially taking her to see my family after Ramadan Insha Allah. But I feel it's all a tragedy waiting to happen and I can't even prevent it. We'll lose each other someday and I hope we leave this earth together so none of us have to cope with the heart ache. If I lose her, I'm afraid I can't ever love again. This isn't a cliche. I've tried it when we broke up and it never worked.


Deeja Feb 19, 12:20 AM
ohh God🥺 this must be really hard on both of you, avoid bringing up the topic when you are talking to her and try to live in the moment. Also always think positively because Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.may Allah grant her shifa
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Salma M Abdulkadir Feb 19, 05:15 AM
May ALLAH make it easy for you and her.
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Meenah2 Feb 19, 04:30 PM
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Muhammad Musa Muhammad Feb 19, 08:52 PM
Allah sarki 😔
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