question on marital affairs on women
Anonymous Sep 8, 09:05 AM

question on marital affairs on women 0

is it good for married women to ask for sex from their spouse


AnDex_Blaq Sep 8, 09:37 AM
Why not? They are married. She can tell him if she wishes, she can give him hints if she is a bit shy. She can cook his favorite meal before he comes back from work, clean up herself and dress seductively for him to arouse him. (husband oooooo not boyfriend cause I don’t trust you peopleπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)
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Ahmad Aysha Sep 8, 10:44 AM
Yes of course, it's event more romantic I guess, u don't have to tell him directly just do some things that will capture his attention and that's all.
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Trustee Sep 8, 11:30 AM
sosai ma
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Abu-Bakr Sep 8, 02:06 PM
wife wey no de ask sef no go de romantic
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AnDex_Blaq Sep 9, 07:38 PM

Ahh tohh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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Anonymous #1 Sep 10, 12:19 AM

Magana ake tah miji not boyfriend πŸ˜‚
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Fatimah Muhammad 2021 Sep 10, 08:52 AM
Sosai, it's your right Islamically. That's one of the obligations for married couple, that was why married was made for procreation.
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