what's the best way i can avoid this marriage?
Safiyah Ahmad May 29, 08:13 AM

what's the best way i can avoid this marriage? 1

SalamaAlaikum everyone. i just came across this platform and thought by sharing this i can get help to make better decisions i dont like sharing my problems with people around me or face to face. I am to get married by november kafin azumi aka saka ranar amma naga bf dina ya canza sosai especially during ramadan naga yana text da wata idan na tambaye shi he will say she is just his friend he only calls me 4 times a week ni har auren ya fara fitan min a rai. i tried to tell my mom she showed me that an riga an saka rana baza suji kunya ba dama ni ce first born kuma sun qosa in je gidan miji. i never thought i would find my self in this situation i use to hear stories about it. yanzu ban san me zanyi ba tun kafin ayi aure yana mun haka balle idan munyi kuma i am not one of those girls that will tolerate wulakanci from any Guy kuma all this happened a week bayan a saka ranar. its is true that Men are SCUM (except the reasonable ones). if anyone can suggest me a wise way to resolve this i'll appreciate.


IbrahimĀ² @King_Rhombooz May 30, 03:40 PM
Plan A: Yeah! This usually happens but it's your duty ki jawo hankalinka so that zaya dena Kula ta and ya kamata ace tun baya kin karancesa you know all his wants and needs, he'll stop minding her and if it all fails. Plan B: Call him and tell him wane we are no more kids now, we are planning for rayuwa ta har abada and hakan baya yiwuwa Sai mun samu fahimtar juna, There is something da hankali Na bai kwanta dashi ba, This your Friend or Bestie I'm your Best Friend in girls as a wife to be and what will she Bestiefy that I can't as your future wife. With other kalamai masu dadi that can tausasa masa rai. If it doesn't work then Plan C: Go back to your mum tell her all these approaches that you've tried but all in vain so that they should do something about it. If they ever mentioned your the first born then tell them kada gaggawa ta sasu aikin dana sani and idan gudun kada suji kunya ne Tohm Babban jin kunya Shi ne a mayar dake jawara da qananan shekaru and Su taimaka ma rayuwarki don Aure rayuwa ce ta har abada. NOTE: Duka da tattausar murya zakiyi musu maganan ba da fada ba. Dafatan xaya amfanar
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Ahmadlamin08 May 31, 09:15 PM
Lallai lallai ki kirashi yazo emergency kinason ganinsa Review that plan B for ibrahim and add additional information Let him explain why all this happens Pray more in this last too days of ramadan If he was unable to change let your mother forward the issues to your father. Pray more please
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Hatty May 23, 03:02 AM
Salam alaylum sister. This is so unfortunate. I hope you were able to get out of this proposed marriage Bissalam
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