I'm seeking Islamic advice or a Fatwa
Anonymous Nov 16, 04:59 AM

I'm seeking Islamic advice or a Fatwa 1

Hello everyone! I've been dating a girl, or should I say I was engaged to her for the past two months. We love each other very much, to the point that we share everything, and I mean everything. Recently, we became quite addicted to sharing intimate photos of ourselves, and it has turned into a bad habit for us. Despite this, I still love her deeply; in fact, my feelings for her grow stronger every day. Iโ€™m uncertain whether this behavior could affect our married life in the future. Aside from this, nothing else has happened between us, as we are currently separated by distance and not even in the same country. I would appreciate any guidance from a scholar or Sheikh who can offer advice to both me and her. Thank you everyone


Hauwau Abdulaziz Nov 16, 06:02 AM
Islamically what's you people are doing is totally wrong because it's can affect your marriage in the future. Ask for Allah's forgiveness and forget about everything then start a new life with her since u people are getting married why are you in a hurry??? I think the moment you are married to her everything have become yours Dan Allah mudinga Neman tsari da sharrin zuciya cause it's can destroy us without even realizing it Allah Ya Yafe mana Yakara Rufa mana Asiri duniya da lahira Amin Ya Rabb
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Anonymous #1 Nov 16, 07:38 AM
(My response might sound a bit harsh, you asked for advice, so you got it. I hope you will be strong enough to take it with the heat that it comes with) Mr. Poster, please what is Fatwa and if you don't know, why are you asking blindly. You said 'Islamic advise'; a bit better. If in your mind you feel it's the right thing to do, please continue. And if not, kindly desist from it. You may not understand now but will understand better when you suspect your beloved wife is starting to get close to any man, in the future. Even if that man is a family or friend to you . Or when your wife suspects you getting close to any female. ****bearing in mind these are realities of life and they happen, and when they do we have a mechanism, a normal feeling called jealousy that gets triggered which is mostly healthy but yours can most likely turn out to be fatal, because you've already open that door of doubt amongst yourselves**** People do it out of love and lust, but it eats up the trust and confidence you have in each other and it ruins your marital life. This is just one of of the array of things I think can go wrong....Many of us have been were you are, so be disciplined and make the right decisions for the sake of your family, if you cannot, then you not you're not fit/ready to raise/lead a family and to be a good role model to your children. Also, respectfully, in my opinion, you question depicts so much shallowness and emptiness for someone thinking or talking about marriage and it's my humble, friendly and brotherly advise that you invest more interest, time, energy and money in educating yourself more and more. As it's said 'knowledge is light' it helps especially when it's dark.
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Anonymous Nov 16, 11:17 AM

Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Anonymous. However, Iโ€™d like you to hear me out regarding the Fatwa I mentioned. Education is like an ocean; the more you immerse yourself, the deeper your understanding can become, and the opposite is true as well. I thought there was a written quote or a book by a scholar that addresses this behavior. Though I may have lost you along the way with my question, I truly appreciate your advice; it will definitely be helpful. Thank you! Sorry I almost forgot about that you asked me what is a Fatwa? If a believer wants to know about his personal behaviour, for example, he wants to know about his way of worship or whether his personal choices are in accordance with Islam, then he may visit an Islamic scholar and put this personal question to him. And, that scholar may give him his opinion according to his knowledge of Islam. That is a fatwa. That is all there is to it.
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Anonymous Nov 16, 11:22 AM

I truly appreciate your time and your kind words, sister. Wallahi, I am working hard to overcome this behavior. Sometimes, Shaytan whispers in my ear, trying to convince me that it's okay since weโ€™re getting married soon. But, InshAllah, today marks the end of this troubling habit. Please keep me in your daily prayers. Nagode sosai ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
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Muhammad Musa Muhammad Nov 17, 10:06 PM
tab wlh an samu matsala. they'll never trust each other. ai Duk abinda za'ayi exchanging kada ya kaima nudes. Allah ya tsare mana imanin mu
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Anonymous #2 Nov 19, 04:25 PM

i dnt knw if u are a guy or a lady i really love the way u say d truth not minding how one feels masha Allah u've said it all he knw his wrong thats why he came seeking for advise i mean for you to b in doubt,coming out to seek for advise is a sign Allah loves u please stop repent and start over
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