Khaleefa Jan 1, 03:20 AM


Ladies will always make you feel like cheating on them with a prettier girl doesn't hurt as much as it does with lesser girl. That's not true. Nothing hurts a woman more than cheating on or leaving her for a prettier woman. M Aside the pain of feeling dumped, It makes her feel insecure about herself, Makes her feel she's not good enough. And it hurts because there are physical evidences that the other person is prettier and that means she can't compete. For instance, a guy leaves a slim girl for some lady with big ass, or a lady with big boobs It will hurt because it questions her self esteem. Forget the fake wishes. Nobody wants people who dumps them to find perfection in the new relationship, Somehow, we all secretly hope they miss us, realize our worth and regret their decisions. Not because we wish them harm but we need some form of closure and consolation that we were not a total crap. Why am I even saying this? Okay, Making expensive jokes about your woman's body is an animal character, its rude, highly derogatory. You can't just make a human being feel unattractive because you think you have an opinion and a preference. It's not like you can even create a human being yourself. Making casual insensitive remarks such as " nawao you too slim, orobo, when you go add weight now" etc... I've heard several cases of body shaming in relationships. A lady once told me her boyfriend calls her shapeless whenever they're having an argument 💔 Another lady said her boyfriend threatens to break up unless she adds some weight and ass. đŸ¤Ļ‍♂ī¸ All this and more. Many other ladies have their own different body shaming stories from men they're in a relationship with. This is one of the reasons women are intimidated and are always in competition with other women. They're always trying to improve their bodies because they think what they have is what no man would want. The fat ones want to be slim. The slim ones want to be busty. Sad reality. No one is saying you shouldn't have your spec or the kinda lady you desire. Everyone is worth something. Don't look down on a lady because of her body or face. Women are not perfect, and so men also aren't. It's not cool to body shame anyone at all!!


Anonymous #2 Jan 1, 05:43 AM
reply 1
Dr A A Jan 1, 06:59 AM
gsky wannan note en yayi yawa sai kace jarida walle va zan iya ba bye bye
reply 1
Saudat78 Jan 1, 07:14 AM
well saying 👍
reply 0
Seeyermerh Jan 1, 07:26 AM
ai wnn mai rubutun jonalist kake karanta koh ???
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Khadeejert Jan 1, 07:39 AM

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Dr A A Jan 1, 07:42 AM
Khadeejert Jan 1, 07:42 AM

haba yaya, jst try
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Saudat Mansur Jan 1, 08:40 AM
Anonymous #1 Jan 1, 09:09 PM
Nikam am too lazy to read...☚ī¸
reply 0
Khaleefa Jan 1, 09:20 PM
Dr A A Jan 2, 07:21 AM

walle ba zan iya ba ayimana voice lawae ke dae yar kaunata
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Dr A A Jan 2, 07:21 AM

wllh fa
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Khadeejert Jan 2, 09:45 AM

haba yaya u really can do it or divide it into 7, 7 days will be enough fr u to finish it den i give me a summary
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Seeyermerh Jan 2, 10:30 AM

but pasting kk koh
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Seeyermerh Jan 2, 10:30 AM
Khaleefa Jan 2, 09:50 PM

No I wrote them myself
reply 0
Seeyermerh Jan 3, 08:31 AM

sannun ka
reply 0

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