Matching and Prospecting counsel
Anonymous Nov 26, 10:46 AM

Matching and Prospecting counsel 2

Hi all. I am a prospect in the match up forum and just want to share especially to the ladies on the actuality of relationship in today's world as it to relate to courtship between a prospective guy and a lady. I realised that our ladies always want the man to be in a pressing need for the relationship whereas its supposed to be a mutual care. A lady will wake up at night praying for a husband yet a prospective Man would approach her but turn down in disdain or in I don't care mood. The old methodology has changed and a lady should also prepare to work hard to make courtship a success through follow ups in a nice and caring way as before it's far the guy will answer her YES. However I do not mean the lady should be chasing the guy too much and should not have her Minimum standard in quality in the prospecting person but the way our girls handle the men is not too captivating.


Jibril saeed Nov 26, 11:03 AM
tabbas hakane
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Sabir Nov 26, 12:14 PM
this one na lawyer 😃
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Truelove Nov 26, 01:50 PM
You're absolutely right ✅️ But sometimes the guy should show care at least for 2 days amma you connect with a guy yau washe gari da safe ba zai kira ki ko ya ajiye miki message at least to show he care ba kuma a haka yana expecting ki cigaba da tura relationship kina binsa? I've met with so many guys on this app but they failed my simple test. Kun gama chatting da daddare dukkanin su babu wanda zai nema ka washe gari but you'll see them online some of them will even post on their stories. Haba!
reply 3
Haidar Ali Nov 26, 06:22 PM
Wish the girl I'm trying to woo will see this. This is exactly what I'm going through currently. Yanzu dai na dan fita harkar yarinyar for now dai na gani ko zata neman
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Anonymous #1 Nov 26, 10:03 PM
it takes two to tangle, one sided energy won't take the duo anywhere..
reply 4
Basmatu Nov 27, 11:07 AM
Yeah! so true.
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