Nov 14, 04:50 PM
Nov 14, 05:31 PM
Nov 14, 06:24 PM
Nov 14, 06:55 PM
Nov 14, 07:25 PM
Me yake fara zuwan ranka idan kayi tunanin Aure? Marriage
help a sister Relationship
what i'm going through due to lack of any relationship Relationship
i am thinking of Suicide General
Leaving someone that you love Relationship
Relationship Marriage
Is it right for a Muslim lady to participate in modelling? Lifestyle
marriage/relationship advice nake nima Relationship
Introduction Lifestyle
Why the whole attitude ladies and their wahala Relationship
Nigeria My country😁😀😁😂😂 Entertainment
From strangers to Friends! ever met someone from this App? General
lets gist Entertainment
The fault in our stars Relationship
Night chatter General