Dec 15, 08:29 PM
My girlfriend lied to about something
Assalamualaikum everyone. pls I need a authentic advice about my girlfriend. we met online and we are peacefully getting to know each other. we getting to 4 months now together and I'm Even planning to go and see her in they State. because we live in different states. so here is the twist. she lied to me that her iPhone entered iCloud and she forgot the password and the SIM card she registered the iCloud has lost. so the phone engine has to be changed so I ask her to take the phone to someone for the changing of the engine and she did. she tell me the amount of the work i paid almost half. so after this she pretends that she borrow botton phone from her sister. we are communicating through the bottom phone. And I unexpectedly saw her online i sent her message on Whatsapp she opened and read it. I start seeing her online time to time. I called her and complained that you claimed your phone is with engineer for repairing and I saw you online is the phone fixed she said no her phone is still with the engineer for repairing that it's not her I should check again.
she keeps denying that she ain't online her phone is not good. I let it go like that and Im still seeing her online. and after some days she said she has finally collect the phone from the repairing shop. we continue chatting. and can you imagine even during that days she claimed the phone is with engineer for repairing that I used to see her online. they was a time i called her through Whatsapp she pick the call and mute it. and i called her video call she pick and blocked her camera. and she continue denying that it wasn't her. that she is still using her sister's keypad phone.
and after she claimed coming back online she security code didn't change meaning her engine was not changed she just ignored me for some days and she comes back and continued chatting with me. meaning her phone has no fault.
pls I'm seeking for advice from members of this group. should I continue with her this way. because due to this issue I totally loose interest in her. I'm even planning breaking up with her. because she displays dishonest characters. pls I need advice on this