My friend's husband seems to be interested in me.
Anonymous Sep 4, 07:07 PM

My friend's husband seems to be interested in me. 1

I have a friend that was married last year, we are good friends and i visit her often and i think i like her husband and he likes me too, we ended up being in contact but she doesn't know.. he hasn't made any serious move but we communicate lightly. Is what i am doing wrong? what are your opinions?


Teema1 Sep 4, 07:56 PM
It is indeed wrong
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Teema1 Sep 4, 07:59 PM
Just have it at the back of your mind, Duk abinda kikayi sai anyi miki. Meaning ko da yau ba shi kika aura ba, one of your friend can be in contact with your husband kuma zaki ji dadi da hakan ? Balle ma idan shi kika aura you’ll never trust him nor have peace of mind when your friends are around
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Anonymous #2 Sep 4, 09:59 PM
imagine the same being done to you by a very close friend and it will answer your question. My advice is stop that nonsense u are doing immediately
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Muhammad Musa Muhammad Sep 4, 11:30 PM

ok oo
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Teema1 Sep 5, 01:44 AM

Ana barin halaq dan kunya
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Anonymous Sep 5, 08:01 AM

but he is the one that even contacted me first on whatsapp, i am just being neutral in the whole thing
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Anonymous #1 Sep 5, 09:22 AM

Hakane amma intanasonshi let her not deceive herself wai barin halaq Dan kunya fa koma Mai zasu gyarota da kawar daga baya
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Teema1 Sep 5, 10:32 AM
Anonymous #3 Sep 5, 01:57 PM

so why are you here 🤔
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Anonymous #1 Sep 5, 05:22 PM

Eh namiji ne ni bawani deceiving myself
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Anonymous #1 Sep 5, 05:22 PM

Am here to give advice
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Anonymous #5 Sep 5, 10:37 PM
no, it is right…continue
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Nasir Ahmed Sep 6, 11:16 AM

Sister don’t let anybody gaslight you, the females that are saying what you are doing is wrong is because of envy and jealousy!! The man can marry up to 4 wives and communication is not a haram relationship since you guys are not intimate. If you sincerely love each other, carry in pls Don’t let them stop you from having a potential husband
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Nasir Ahmed Sep 6, 11:18 AM

Lol what is wrong about it! Most of you ladies are just emotionally manipulative and full of envy. It’s just communication and nothing intimate He has the right to marry her and nothing bad about them talking as long as she respects the wife
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Nasir Ahmed Sep 6, 11:20 AM

Wallahi you guys are not educated at all, go back to islamiyya! As long as she is only communicating and doesn’t disrespect the wife by calling at wrong times, then there is nothing bad about it Islam permits the man to marry up to 4 wives, grow up pls!
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Nasir Ahmed Sep 6, 11:29 AM

So basically what you are saying is a man can’t marry another wife? If he can, how does he do it without communication
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Anonymous #6 Sep 9, 02:08 PM
It's likely he loves you truly, but based on experience as a man, it's most likely just lust and he's just trying to chop you and go especially if they are only recently married.
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Anonymous #4 Sep 9, 08:08 PM
😂😂😂 mata kenan.... shekara daya da aure kila ma ko shekarar auren basu gama cikaketa ba kuma in ur right sense kina ga soyayya yake so kuyi! kila ayi auren ku karshen shekaran nan kema ki kawo mana iv nan ko?.... we re not blaming you or discouraging you. Amma wannan meeting ce muke so ki zauna ke da brain din ki ku yi,remove your heart from the hall please.... okay she's ur frnd, in kece acikin shoes din ta fissabillilahi zaki ji dadi? how will you accept the fact that just a year mijin ki yafara gane gane! yanzu ko da haka bai ishe ki ,ki gàne wanene shi ba? that's by the way tho. Men are very cunning in nature,when it comes to deception no òne does it better! mazan yanzu even worst, kawai fakewa sukeyi da zasu aure ka sbd sun San shine burin kowace 'ya mace ,suna samun fuska kuma shikenan sauran ya zama labari. What I want you to understand shine ki fahimci intentions din sa dai. ke yanzu kina kallon matar sa tana da bakin hali ne? Gdan sa babu Zaman lfya ne ? bata kyauta masa?daga ke har shi di shin kun kyauta mata kenan? shin tsakani da Allah kike son sa ko kuma kawai akwai kudi a hannun shi ko kuma don son zuciyar ki ne ko kuma kawai you re just desperate ne da kowa ya tabo ki kina so? Shin bawan Allah nan son ki yakeyi tsakani da Allah?if you have all the answers to this questions ,toh zan Iya cewa mu hadu a zango na biyu...Until then be very careful, men are very manipulative more especially in sun kula mace bata amfani da number 6 dinta.... Aure dai shekara,kuma Yana baki greenlight! yar uwa akwai abun dubawa a lamarin nan..... However, Addu'a takwabin mumini! pray and pray and pray Allah ya bakì mafita. Be mindful of your brain,heart and actions kar su kai ki su baro ki..... Kar Kisha mamaki Kila ma kece kike ga Yana son ki! Mazan yanzu akwai munafurci a lamarin su yasin sun Iya catching cruise!!!
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Meenah2 Sep 17, 07:34 PM

gskya bnga Wanda ya bada shawara Mai kyau irin ta baiwar Allahn Nan ba yar'uwa Allah ya biyaki in kunne yaji toh jiki ya tsira
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Djamilatu Sep 23, 04:08 PM
waohhhh I don't know what to say but if the girl is really your friend put the husband in his place and tell him to leave you alone
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Lk Sep 29, 03:35 AM
U want to disturb her peace?? Devil is using u, move on, look for another man and don't fall in the devils trap.
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