Anonymous Oct 8, 01:11 AM

Situationship 0

So guys, i need your opinions on this. There's this guy, we've been talking for almost a year now, he never said it(the words) buh the vibe is always there. He gives me green light like Masha Allah he's okay buh after some time, he seizes kamar an dauke nepa. No message no calls, in short the last time daya dauke it was for a month plus amman wlhi in muna waya or smthing you'll think he dosnt want to loose me. Kuma ba duk wayan da zamuyi, that respect was always there, bai taba barin hanya ba wai irin maganan iskanci haka or the likes of that. Do you think if he comes back I should keep vibing koh dai in barshi because its like yana wasa da hankali nane because i feel kar inzo in tanka shi back and it will be looking as if ive been waiting koh desperation haka.


AnDex_Blaq Oct 8, 07:43 AM
You both are friends since he hasn’t asked you out. If you feel confused, asked him to define what your relationship is, his answer will guide you on what decisions to make.
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N F Oct 8, 11:14 AM
If he wants a relationship he will definitely put a label on it/define it. Guys are that simple. It looks like he just comfortable talking with you.
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Abdulwaliyyu Oct 8, 12:29 PM
like you said you guys are just vibing meaning you enjoy each other's company so just flow with it and don't dwell upon it so much. And if you feel from your own end it's moving beyond just enjoying each other's company then you talk to the person in the, picture to see if actually you guys are on the same page.
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Anonymous Oct 8, 01:31 PM

I know we aren't in a relationship but I don't want a case whereby I accept someone and it now be that he also wants a relationship. Kuma gaskiya i cant ask him, if it's that he's to define it on his own not me
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Abdulwaliyyu Oct 8, 02:07 PM

seems to me you like this person Kuma regarding asking him; it's not really necessary you ask him directly rather you find other ways of doing so then you can deduce you answer from the response you get.
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Boubar Oct 8, 02:32 PM
If there is someone who's interested in you and is direct with it give him chance and start a relationship with that person. Time waits for no one. This guy is either indecisive, not really into relationship with you or not confident enough to strike, or perhaps he's not ready yet. Whichever the case, it's his problem not yours.
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Ahmad Aysha Oct 10, 01:01 AM
My sister don't vibe back again, he just loves ur company no label to ur relationship, because if a guy likes u, he will say it out even if u will turn him down. So don't waste ur energy on his
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