what was your most embarrassing moment recently?
Anonymous Jun 29, 08:45 AM

what was your most embarrassing moment recently? 1

i just feel like getting this off my chest, jiya na zo zan hau machine ban san meya faru ba kawai se dai naji wando na ya yage. kuma in public i was so embarrassed kuma yagewan sosai. A haka na koma Gida na fasa zuwa inda zan je to change. i know we all have these moments in life so share yours too.


Anonymous #2 Jun 29, 08:59 AM
here is mine. Just last week, i went to a restaurant and broke their plate and was forced to pay. it happened in a very embarrassing way.
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Abrar Idris Jun 29, 09:35 AM
looll.. sorry but I really find this funny, I imagined it happen 😂😂😂
reply 3
Anonymous #1 Jun 30, 10:48 AM
i can't share this anywhere that's why i am sharing anonymously. so recently i was on a bus from abuja to kaduna half way through ciki na ya rude naji i have to go to the toilet kawai. i tried to hold it har tusa nayi amma silent one and everyone in the car was looking at each other somehow da naji bazan iya ba naga an zo wani kauye da mutane a wajen nace wa driver din kawai ya sauke ne i have an emergency. i was so embarrassed because a lokacin kowa ya gane nine.
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Anonymous Jul 8, 06:42 PM

i hate to feel like going to the toilet at the wrong time, there was a time naje masallaci sallah kawai ciki na ya baci, before i know it kawai nayi tusa da akayi sujjada. kawai na tashi na fita da sauri before people even sees my face.
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