Who else feels this way?
Anonymous Feb 24, 10:15 PM

Who else feels this way? 0

It started as a gradual process but now Its become a part of me. I'm at a stage where I feel I don't have the strength to bond with anyone. I can comfortably stay for months without meeting up or calling any of my friends unless they call me to check up themselves. I have declined invites to a lot of get together, honestly I'd like to go but I don't find the strength nor excitement. I view family gatherings now as a burden. As a kid I use to be excited whenever we have a family gathering as a kid but now? I just wish the day would zoom off. A lot of people have tried to check up on me but my replies are sometimes cold. I swear it's not my intention. Later on when I realize I will feel bad and guilty. I have no strength for relationship. It wouldn't even work given how busy I am. Is this the direct result of experiencing numerous episodes of disappointments, betrayal from friends and heartbreaks? Or this is a phase everyone else passes through? Or this is who I am? I just want to know if it's normal.


Muhammad Musa Muhammad Feb 25, 07:07 AM
whatttt plz is your mum alive???
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Anonymous #1 Feb 27, 05:54 AM
that's what I have been passing through this days kaman Wanda akayiwa Wani Abu Anyway Ramadan is coming soon l have alot to said to the Almighty 😭😭😭🀲 Ya Rabbal Alamin Answer our secret prayers
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Teema1 Feb 27, 10:33 AM
Dear Anonymous, I have a solution for you 🌚
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Anonymous #2 Feb 27, 12:23 PM

what is the solution please I think I'm depressed
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Anonymous Feb 27, 10:58 PM
Muhammad Musa Muhammad Feb 28, 06:15 AM

read her story now. she's depressed actually
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Muhammad Musa Muhammad Feb 28, 06:19 AM

alright. plz you should tell her about your problem and also during iftar, midnight and before dawn. pray hard and ask Allah to heal your wound. may Allah subhanahu waata'ala guide and protect our imanz ease livelihood especially in this wicked nation and also grant us with lovely, and supportive partners.
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Anonymous #3 Feb 28, 01:57 PM
I am sorry about how you feel try reading Quran every day and pray in the middle of the night and submit yourself to your creator he surely ease you pain
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AbdulMajid Snr Mar 2, 09:45 AM
It is normal. Many smart, sensitive people find it emotionally draining to maintain too many connections to others, so they try to withdraw. You will notice that a few people make you feel energised while most of the others will drain you. You don't have to completely run away from everyone. Just minimise contact with the latter while drawing the former closer. Make friends wisely.
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AbdulMajid Snr Mar 2, 09:45 AM
It is normal. Many smart, sensitive people find it emotionally draining to maintain too many connections to others, so they try to withdraw. You will notice that a few people make you feel energised while most of the others will drain you. You don't have to completely run away from everyone. Just minimise contact with the latter while drawing the former closer. Make friends wisely.
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