What business or Investment can i do with N500k ?
Anonymous Mar 22, 12:45 PM

What business or Investment can i do with N500k ? 0

Ina cikin Adashi, so i will be taking ending of this Month Insha Allah. I am the second to take, so its an advantage & I really want to invest the money so i can pay off in profits. Any ideas?


Anonymous #2 Mar 22, 01:24 PM
First, I suggest you don't give anyone your hard-earned money because they claimed they've got a business or a business idea. Most likely zaki yi danasani... Second, I suggest you start Binance's P2P trading. You buy and sell tokenized or cryptonized dollar. The profit margin is not very much for a single cycle, but the fact that you'll be doing it in the comfort of your living room/bedroom or even toilet, and the fact that turnover shi ne riba me kyau a kasuwanci kowane iri ne kuwa, if you're able to do it like at least 5 to 10 times in just a 3 to 5 hours, at the end of the day you'll be able to make quite a respectable amount of profit. Just my two cents
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Anonymous #1 Mar 22, 02:14 PM
Fish farming Poultry But you need requisite knowledge before investing
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Tijjani Muhammad Mar 22, 03:31 PM
if you find any suggestion business that you will invest your money, don't invest all the money divide it into two. invest half
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Anonymous #2 Mar 22, 03:43 PM

Any form of farming requires it's own type of conducive "waje" and that's gonna eat more chunks of money to establish. Unless of course you've got ample space or spare room in the house to be able to use conveniently without disturbing neighbors or even "mutangida". I still recommend Binance's P2P trading because it hasn't got any prerequisite as such for any farming venture. Just set up the app and learn how to go about everything.
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Anonymous #3 Mar 22, 05:16 PM

why not you do it here for the benefits of others
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Anonymous Mar 22, 05:27 PM
Anonymous #2 Mar 22, 05:42 PM

There'll eventually be a video that I'll send to anyone interested and that can't be possible here. But for starters, go to the google play store or apple store, download, install and set up the following apps: Binance Kuda Palmpay Opay Basically, setting up the apps is the hardest part. Well, and getting the money to start of course, if you have to source it. Anyway, do this and we'll proceed. I'll take down my email for now by the way.
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Anonymous #5 Mar 22, 06:04 PM
why not start China importation for me i see it as the most profitable business in Nigeria now so if u ar really interested check thesmartimporter (instagram)she is d best at teaching all about China importation
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MuhammadS Mar 22, 09:32 PM

I wouldn't recommend p2p to a stranger in crypto. besides, it's risky investment. I've personally done p2p for almost a year with binance and remitano and at first, I began bagging some cool profit but along the line, volatility in market movement became an issue and prices could change very fast. I made a few losses but mostly gain because I could smell scam profile of buyers or sellers when I see one. I simply secured my gains and japa out of p2p. a friend of mine was scammed 4M on binance p2p too. Las Las, never use money you can't afford to loose.
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Anonymous #2 Mar 23, 05:13 AM
First, I never mentioned P2P trading in all crypto. Just the dollar (USDT). Not SOL or BTC or any of them assets. Just USD. Second, I honestly think your friend didn't abide by Binance's rules, because they themselves (Binance) act as the escrow between the two parties (the buyer and the seller). I believe he somehow bypassed or skipped Binance's escrowship and established contact with the scammer and got scammed. As long as Binance are the escrow between you two, your assets/money are always safe. Nonetheless, Allah ya kaare gaba, Allah ya mayar masa da alkhairi.
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Mai Nama Kano Mar 23, 01:29 PM
Shiga kiwo idan akwai space, ko kuma saye da siyarwar kayan hatsi, ko kayan ruwa and more
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Anonymous #7 Mar 23, 02:14 PM
I understand, sometimes you just wonder what business to do or investment, I had around 10m at some point and was not sure of what to start with it, i just bought a property for the mean time before i make my plan
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