Anonymous Dec 26, 10:30 AM


Assalamu Alaikum I want to share this my story with u people, love is not like a business where it's give and take, when u love a pure love then u need nothing and never expect anything in return, I love him before I know what love is, I love him before I even know him, hmmm I don't wear veil or any sort of revealing clothes I always worn my hijab, I don't post pics on media, no make up, no male friends always protective I mean, because I already submit to him, some view me as villager I.e I'm not socially exposed, "Ina taya mijina kishine nasan yanada kishi sossai kuma shi malamine dole in tsare mutuncinshi" and that is my answer to them, and do u know what? be ma sanni ba pha🤔 I went through so much difficulties to found him and connect with him which is a long story, I open all my social media account just to be liking and watching his post, I can't leave without data for minute or charge because of him, and is not that we are communicating I'm just watching him online or his so so munite last seen or watching his previous post, I almost know his routines and almost everything he does, I always pray for him morethan my self, one day i almost miss my examination vividly while watching him live on facebook, I went in late and submit first just to attend his next lecture without caring weather to pass the exam or not, I got a job with NGO's and refuses it because I heard him against it indirectly in one of his lecture , when he found about it this is his answer "Na daukeki a matsayin qanwa ina tausayinki I don't want u to get hurt Dan haka karki saka ranki cewa zaki samu abinda kike so" I told him this too "Bawai na soka Dan ka soni bane, kawai Allah y San ina sonka kuma this will not change anything from ur love" as I'm telling u this nothing has stop and nothing has change I love him more I can sacrifice everything for him, I don't care even if he don't know this Almighty knows that I sincerely love him and it's not my doing, I don't feel anything bad leaving my life just watching him, I feel like I don't want to get married to any one else, I'm ready to spend the rest of my life single, I will just pray to have him in jannah if he is not destined to be mine here. Include me in ur prayers Allah y rage mani sonshi I know its beyond normal kuma I can't help my self out, I try all I can to remove this na kasa I'm on prayers always also on Islamic motivational thoughts.TRUE LOVE STILL EXIST which requires nothing in return 📌📌 just give and nothing else.


Baffancy Dec 26, 10:39 AM
subhanallah..yar uwa kin chan-chanchi mu saka ki a cikin addu'o'inmu kina cikin wani yanayi na rai ko Yan uwa mu taimakawa yar uwarmu d addu'a Allah y fitar d ita lfy...Amma zanso ace wannan bawan Allah yayi kokari y soki sbd Kar rayuwarku t fada cikin wani hali...sannan Nima Ina addu'a wa kaina Allah karya jarabceni d irin wannan son na maso wani..🤲🤲🤲
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Abu-Bakr Dec 26, 10:40 AM
Keep on praying God is busy writing a good love story for you Wanda yafi wannan
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Khadija Abdullah Dec 26, 10:46 AM
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔ikon allah
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Yazeed Dec 26, 10:51 AM
Ya sallam gaskiya u seriously need prayer irin wannan so Haka is beyond emargination wlh ban taba tunanin such kind of ppl exist irin wannan soyayya Ubangiji Allah yayi miki magani
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Anonymous Dec 26, 10:53 AM

Inama kowa addu'a kar Allah y jarabeshi da wannan I know the bitterness in this kind of love amma Alhamdulillah I always look forward to much blessings da Allah y min a rayuwa, he gave me so many without asking, even for this love I'm greatful cause nasan Allah namin jarabawane so I actually don't regret this.Thank u so much
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Anonymous #1 Dec 26, 11:00 AM
you might hate a thing and it is good for you and you might love a thing while it is bad towards you" Suratul Baqarah. wannan fadin Allah ne kuma abunda kike ciki obsession neh ba true love ba bc kema baki san meh true love ba. baki yi istihara koh addu'a ba kawai kice true love. a deh duba da kyau. kuma kar kizo kisa kanki cikin wani yanayi tunda already ya riga ya gaya miki. tohm!
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Anonymous Dec 26, 11:02 AM

Amin y rabbi, and zaka iya samun hr wanda sukafi haka seriously, Allah y sani komai na ibadodina y ninku sossai I'm submissive to almighty nima wannan na damuna ko yaushe I feel like I love him more, the only problem I have is my parent willing to give my hand in marriage and I will not like that to happen I'm surely ready to live my life like this watching him kawai is enough Alhamdulillah
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Anonymous Dec 26, 11:09 AM

Amin and thank u as well, "But perhaps u hate something and it's good for u and perhaps u fall in love with something and its not good for u, and Allah knows while u know not" This is Among the Ayas I recite for motivation but with prayers inshallah
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Anonymous Dec 26, 11:21 AM

Ba wai soyayyace ta jiya ko yau ba I have lived with this for morethan 6 years, Tun ban haddace du'a'ul istikhara ba had na haddaceta, I almost target duk zababban lokacin karbar addu'a, fasting, tahajjud, charities and many thing sister/brother I don't know which but I'm into and beyond what u think of Allah y yaye mana ,"Allah does not burden a soul beyond he can withstand" Indeed I'm greatful with this love saboda jarabawace Allah y dauramin and Allah yana jaraba wadanda yake so. Allah y bamu ikon cin wannan jara bawar. Thank u
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Pharida Dec 26, 11:33 AM
Ya hayyu ya kayyum!Akwai bukatar mu hada mishi committee dan su zauna da shi ki Aika ma Malama da details din shi,Allah ya bamu mafita ga matsalolin mu
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Saudat abbas Dec 26, 02:29 PM
keep praying sis
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Seeyermerh Dec 26, 02:31 PM
allah sarki 🥹💔allah ya zaba maki mafi alkhri idan shine ya karkato da hankalinsa idan ba alkhri bn ya cire miki sonsa 🙏🥹💔
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Anonymous #2 Dec 26, 03:31 PM
it doesn't exist🥺 I lose it the day he died 😭,it is one month to our wedding when he died in a motor accident 😔 its one year already but I can't find his replacement 🤣🥺 Allahumma gfirhim warhamhum 🤲
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Muslimat01 Dec 26, 03:34 PM

gaskiya neh insha Allah the right person will soon find her
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Muslimat01 Dec 26, 03:35 PM

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Tijjani Muhammad Dec 26, 05:19 PM
i don't have much to say regarding this purer love all I can say keep praying Anki ya waita saraka da niyar Allah ya yeye Miki soyanayan shi. god never sleep and he will answer your prayer. we can't say strong love stay in our hearts forever. for instance we lost our lovely ones like parents with time there love reduce in our hearts
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Salma M Abdulkadir Jan 2, 10:23 PM
Keep on praying, someday INSHA ALLAH you will be able to move on
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