Kuskuren da wasu iyaye keyi wa yaransu kuma a ganinsu gatane?
Khadijat haruna Apr 30, 10:08 PM

Kuskuren da wasu iyaye keyi wa yaransu kuma a ganinsu gatane? 2

Kk I hav dis frnd of mine dat a gidansu sai ana saura wata daya koh Sati uku bikinsu Suke fara shiga kitchen koyan girki, amma magana ta domin Allah cikin wata daya har ki iya kimanta abunda zaki zuba a cikin abinci?? Wallahi it's hardly possible, ko kaje gida ka tarar uwa na bakin murhu ya na kishingide a daki uwar tayi mata girki toh wallahi dis is not gata , kokuwa a cika gida da yan aiki wata har ta zama budurwa zatace miki wallahi I have never been to d kitchen to cook? hmm, ko kije tana Mama deluwa yar aikin mu ba batamin rai kaji iyayen na zagi ubanta wallahi ba gata bane, ko yaro yana nikam banjin zuwa islamiyah koh boko yau for no jst reason sai kaji uwar na kwanta kayi barcinka da mama??, gaskia all dis are so wrong sai yaro ya tashi ya zama wayward azo ana Dana sanin. Allah ya shirye mu baki daya ya bamu zuria nagari.


Deejangala May 1, 08:34 AM
Food is very important in a marriage, no matter how much a husband loves buying food there is this contentment he feels when his wife cooks, even if it is once in a while, you can also cook together so parents not teaching their kids how to cook or enrolling them in catering schools is very wrong no matter how rich you are.
reply 2
Samir Abbas May 1, 09:30 AM

We like that food gaskiya, so ladies please try and be good in the kitchen. Something as small as girki can create issues in marriage especially if husband is a typical Hausa man.
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