How do you feel about your partner spending on you .
Anonymous Feb 27, 09:36 PM

How do you feel about your partner spending on you . 1

My partner got a new job and she's so excited about it. So she requested to take me out . That's cool right ? The issue is I feel somehow about it . I appreciate the gesture but I Don't feel comfortable about her spending her money on me. If I tell her, she's going to feel really bad about it 😢 . Is it ego or what ? Does any one feel the same way ?


Anonymous #1 Feb 27, 09:49 PM
I once date a girl she been spending on me, deep down I don't like the way she spent for me because I am not doing the same to her. if I reject her give she use to be angry. ... but if I know she is planning to spend on me gaskiya I use to stop her, unless unexpected. I think spending on you is okay if she's not going to look down on you. indeed she loves you that is why she's spending on you.. and to impress you
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BlaQ Feb 27, 09:55 PM
Even when a lady takes me out, I look for a way to pay the bill before she even request it. I buy ladies gift but I don’t accept gifts from ladies also except my siblings. That’s just me.
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Abubakar Usman Feb 28, 10:58 AM
oga enjoy yourself while you can
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Anonymous Feb 28, 03:39 PM

Hmmm That gender get as dey be . Their head use to touch from time to time, I want to avoid had i known. From the stuffs I've read online about women spending on men and how it ends ,I want to take caution . I don't want raini to enter the thing. I do appreciate the gesture but I'm not comfortable gaskiya
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Anonymous Feb 28, 03:44 PM

She specifically asked me to choose any spot , that she wants to take me out. She has never done such before. Even though it might be a one time thing, I'm not comfortable with it .
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Mimie90 Mar 5, 04:46 PM
As a lady kam, gaskiya I'll tell you that we spend on people we like. Someone like me, I'm a giver and I flourish more when I'm also with a giver. As long as you're reciprocating the efforts and you're sure that the person you are with isn't the type to use that type of stuff against you, just relax and enjoy it. Honestly, it's just your ego and you didn't ask for it so don't feel somehow about it. Kowa na son kyauta
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Reina Mar 10, 03:44 AM
it is very very normal to spend on the person you love babu zancen raini ko wani abu infact for a lady to spend on you in this hard time Era then ba qaramin kaunar ka take ba 😅so just appreciate her kuma ka rike Amana🙂 and for what youve read on social media about how it ends bazance ba gaskiya bane amman ba duk ba bcz ive done that several times ive spent more than u could imagine on some of my Ex’s especially my first date kaga We wasnt even in d sme country then duk mun tafi school but i always find a way of sending him gifts bcz to me Spending and sending gifts is part of love And the respect i was giving to them is still dmse till date i took them all as my elderly ones so ba wani abun bane just appreciate and thank her
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