STD and HIV no dey show for face
Anonymous Sep 24, 01:10 PM

STD and HIV no dey show for face 9

As much as you love your spouse, partner! you've to trust them also! But... hear me out,is it just me or the alarming rate of HIV cases just keeps doubling up! My advice,pls both partners should go for all kinds of health test before getting married! even if you're married!! infidelity Don't Turn a blind eye to the situation! The I don't care attitude won't take us anywhere!! Wollahi things are happening! different cases everyday!scary!! don't let your partner gaslight you into thinking that you're overreacting for taking charge of your health .my opinion though .


Hafsat mustapha Sep 24, 06:47 PM
dis s very serious, bcus I did my nysc in an hospital, d rate at which HIV patients r coming for dere medicine, u won't even know bcus dey r more healthier than u could imagine,cus as far as dey taking dere medicine ND eating well, dey r gud, so u better shine ur eyes ND do tests b4 marriage, thank u
reply 5
Hadiza Muhammad mamman Sep 30, 06:08 PM
Seriously Wlh🥺
reply 0

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