Question for ladies
Anonymous Jul 19, 03:18 PM

Question for ladies 5

Would you rather have a male boss or a female boss & why?


Anonymous #1 Jul 19, 05:25 PM
I would rather have a male boss, if he is reasonable.. there is this negative energy between females in work places especially in things involving position and sorts.
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Zee Abdul Jul 19, 06:47 PM

Generally a male boss is better, but some male bossess are also bad they are found guilty of relationships with their females employees. it has happened several times but that can't happen with a female boss
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Mr. Aulaz Jul 19, 07:10 PM

You are making it like a general statement wai male bosses have relationship with their employees, it can be vice versa meaning a female boss can have a relationship with her male employee too. don't make it like a Gender things, Males are this and that blah blah blah
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Zee Abdul Jul 19, 07:23 PM

its not a general statement, just saying the obvious that having a male boss can have other things involved attached and you know men are more likely to flirt and start extra-relations with the opposite Gender.
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Mr. Aulaz Jul 19, 07:32 PM

you trying to say that male bosses like to go after their female employees or take advantage of them but most of the time the females also cooperate so you can't blame it on the male boss entirely
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Aiesher sadiqq Jul 19, 11:05 PM
To me it depends on the individual
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Khadeeja Abubakar Aug 20, 06:35 AM
I'd rather have none, while male bosses have likelihood of chasing their female employee including the married ones, female bosses are very nasty creatures particularly to their fellow females
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Aisha Ado Nababa Sep 9, 06:09 AM
I don't wanna be any ones employee that why i became an entrepreneur, i wanna be my own boss
reply 2
Golden Oct 17, 10:53 PM
omo male boss at times my gender sai a hankali wlh
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