Harmony vs Accountability? Please advise me
Anonymous Nov 26, 09:05 AM

Harmony vs Accountability? Please advise me 0

Why is it that people who hurt others on purpose can also be very quick to say "I'm sorry". What is your thought? These same people can get very upset if you don't accept their apology right away. They act like they're offended that you're not willing to forgive them easily. But why should we just accept their apology without thinking about it? Is it because they want to look good in front of others? Or is it because they're trying to make us feel sorry for them instead of taking responsibility for their actions? Do you think we should be careful when someone apologizes to us. We should think about whether they're really sorry or just trying to make themselves look good. And should we only forgive them if they're truly willing to make things right. Or should we just let bygones be bygones. What is your thought? Do you think we should prioritize peace over accountability? What's your thought?


Anonymous #2 Nov 26, 09:50 AM
Yeah its better to stay peaceful and let the bygones to be bygones... In life there are certain behaviours of ladies coz am also like that but mine is that.. Atmost i don't know i made a mistake but when i know i will sincerely apologize,and wouldn't love to repeat such a mistake again..
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Anonymous #3 Nov 26, 01:10 PM
Lets understand that forgiving someone is not really for them, but more for the one doing the forgiving, because once you do that you feel light inside you (its not easy, but believe me once you master the art of forgiveness things becomes very simple to you). That does not mean you should not learn from issue that brought about why you needed to forgive someone at the first place, but rather to understand how you move with that person. I live my life peacefully regardless of what anyone does to me. I tend to forgive and move on but also learn how I move around that person.
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Nana Fatima ALIYU Dec 4, 07:23 AM
u know everyone here is different with different heart some are forgiven even if sune akayi yiwa they'll just let it slide some are not. mine is if u hurt me in a wrong way that's the end of it even if u seek for forgiveness I'll forever remember that when ever we meet or I see u.so that's why I always stays in my line.but the word peace is the pillar of zaman lpy da mutane da kai kanka.
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Anonymous #1 Dec 17, 07:46 AM
If they hurt you on purpose and then expect you to accept their apology or they get offended/upset then that is manipulation. Depending on the gravity of the issue that required the apology, which only you can determine for yourself as this is something that impacted you, you have a right to take reasonable time to process it before finally forgiving them. When you rush the process for the sake of “peace to reign” then you are not really forgiving them, but rather you push your own feelings down just for peace sake. That is not going to resolve it, rather it remains there and bit by bit that’s how resentment builds up. Eventually even small things they do to you will bother you and you will struggle to let those things go. So keep people accountable. Yes the people you wrong will want you to get over it quickly so they don’t have to sit with the discomfort of having done you wrong. So to avoid feeling that way, they expect you to get over it and accept their apology so they don’t feel that discomfort. Meanwhile others think saying “I’m Sorry” should be magic words that just resolves everything. Again, this all depends on what it is they did to you.
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