Im not happy, would it change after marriage?
Anonymous Dec 28, 11:46 AM

Im not happy, would it change after marriage? 4

so confused so bored nothing is sweeting me at all...hope this would reduced when I get married??does anyone felt the way I do??


Anonymous #1 Dec 28, 12:12 PM
yea 😭 I’m just exhausted 😭
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Fadeelahhh Dec 28, 12:14 PM
….It might seem hard but it isn’t, Bring the Quran closer to you, you can start from anywhere take a verse or two daily memorize and ponderrrr on its meaning Inshaa Allah happiness is coming for you because you’ll derive joy from doing that. Or perhaps a Qissa(Story) in any part of the Quran, understand and it will be funnnn. Fee Amanillah🤍🤍🤍
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Anonymous Dec 28, 12:15 PM

😭😭Insha Allah we will be fine one day it shall be over
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Bnana kaila Dec 30, 10:07 PM
I think my advice to you please an please try as much as it can. To recite each fives daily prayers Askar i think it this is the best advice to you.
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Uncletee Dec 31, 01:06 PM
mood swings is something that u have to deal with in life...sometmes life is sweet, sometimes everything gets just have to find ways of coping with being married has its up and down too..Happy forever after only exist in fantasy movies
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Anonymous #2 Jan 2, 07:46 AM
it only God that know that.. I don't know the reason you are unhappy. what I will just tell you is that
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Abusardeeeq Jan 11, 11:52 AM
It necessary you repel idleness with work,they said and I quote 'idleness is the devil workshop... nothing will give you happiness except what you create as a means of preoccupation a positive one though.. lastly extract honey without breaking the hive,try and learn from every situation..may you be free from those thought that galavant in you...
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