Hmmmm, my experience with our young girls of today
Anonymous Oct 5, 07:49 AM

Hmmmm, my experience with our young girls of today 1

Disclaimer: not generalising, not stereotyping, just a series of questions that has been baffling me for long and opinions that I can be wrong about....but want to hear what others think. In my experience and for those I've seen around me, most young Hausa girls are reluctant marrying a man if they feel he's not rich or from a rich home, now I'm not even talking about those from rich homes or how rich parents are so concerned about money that even they themselves made mostly in the later part of their life, sadly mostly through unlawful or doubtful means, that's a topic for another day....I am talking about daughters that are from middle income or even poor homes, why does many of our young girls lack the knowledge and maturity to understand that for an average commoner in this country mostly life begins at mid 20s, 23-27yrs or even beyond due to the system we operate and it takes time, effort and labour to build legitimate wealth. From what I've seen many young Hausa girls are not fully armed or equipped to go into relationships with the mindset that this is what I want to do or achieve in life myself and I am looking for someone to support me achieve these dreams. How's it that in the Hausa society, young girls are willing to abandon young men in pursuit of older men (other peoples husbands oo) just because they are looking for comfort, is it that the our young men are not trust worthy or are they really just looking for a quick hack to life? Of course it works to some extent but not to a larger extent. Generally, alot of young men are been pushed by the desire, demand or expectation to be rich into many shady and illegal dealings which previously where not prevalent in our or wealth has always been a symbol of status and an emblem of luxury, prosperity and prestige, so this is not to say that it's not, but the egregious elevation of wealth to an unparalleled status, the obsessive prioritization of material riches above all else, and the warped attribution of supreme value to it has come to what one can call: a corrosive force in our society, our hyper-fixation on wealth has led to a perverse idolization by many parent and families, where thse things are valued above human dignity, relationships, and personal growth.....and the truth is that it is this kind of distorted mindset, which regards wealth as the ultimate benchmark of success, that has and is creating an unhealthy pressure that drives our youth to desperate measures, including illicit activities, pushing them to engage in unscrupulous behavior to project an image of affluence.....these foreign, unknown and many other ill and harmful cultures of our society perpetuate a destructive cycle of social pressure and moral compromise amongst our youth and it's your duties as the women, future mothers and guardians of our society to prevent it and change these narratives for the future of our kids Now, to be clear.....a lot of older girls seems more sensible and more atuned to our realities....probably because they are older, have more experiences and know better. I'll encourage them and parent to educate and create more awareness amongst the younger generations because young people like me needs to get married too not necessarily to older women which is something I'm strongly considering


Anonymous Oct 5, 08:02 AM
......but what stops me is that a lot of them too where just like the younger ones when they were young, so it'll be unfair if they are being weighed on thesame scale gaskiya.....for now I'm just lurking and looking around, hopefully we'll meet someday In sha Allah
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Kinah_ Oct 5, 09:11 AM
Everyone is allowed to have his/her preference just like how some guys would say they want a beautiful,curvy girl is the same as a girl saying she wants a wealthy man which is perfectly okay. I believe there is someone for everyone. There are ladies who would choose growing with a man over being with a man who is already made. May Allah ease all our affairs and grant all us the best✨
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Anonymous #3 Oct 5, 05:42 PM
Abeg someone should summarize and tell us what the post is all about
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Kinah_ Oct 6, 07:40 AM
Anonymous Oct 6, 12:41 PM

Amin Ya Rahman, nagode sosai
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Anonymous #1 Oct 6, 04:21 PM
God you are eloquent.. well spoken full of fact.. May God reward you
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Kinah_ Oct 6, 07:14 PM

Ameen ya Allah and you too🤲🏾✨
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Anonymous #2 Oct 9, 06:50 AM

let me start by asking if anyone break yr heart recently bcoz yr grammatical expression shows no doubt about it the disappointment is everywhere. Moreover always look at the aspect of life that everything has both sides. where there's negativity there's positivity, good and bad . always try as much as possible to look at the positive side of life , yes the negative side will hit us once in a while it's also part of life, let it always be your strength not your weakness. this is just me uplifting your spirit and letting u knw that regardless of all your points they're good ladies out there , and inshaAllah you'll get her soon . Allahuma Barik
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Anonymous Oct 10, 09:33 PM

Nice deduction!😊, though I'll disagree with a lot you said but thanks for your perspective and thank you so much for the care and concern. I appreciate it.
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