A quick question for the married ones on none-orthodox family planning
Anonymous May 29, 08:29 PM

A quick question for the married ones on none-orthodox family planning 0

Assalam alaikum As a married woman, what is the best non-medical family planning you can suggest that is not harmful to one's health? Because all these pills and implants always have negative effects afterwards.


Anonymous #1 May 30, 09:06 AM
pull out it has to be pills, implants or pull out or just avoid the sex kwata kwata
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Anonymous #2 May 30, 01:22 PM
learn more about your ovulation cycle (If you are female) and identify your fertile days just so that you avoid sex on those days. Note that sperm cells can survive for 3-5 days in woman's body after sex. So you have to figure that out in your calculations. Other non medical method exist like pull out method but it is not always effective because a small amount of sperm may be released before you pull out. Other options that do not require injection or implant include male/female condom, cervical cap, spermicidal cream and copper device(inserted in to the woman's womb and can last for up to 10 years). I hope I have answered some of your questions.
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