my encounter with a man on matchmaker
Anonymous Nov 23, 07:41 PM

my encounter with a man on matchmaker 1

malama this thing dey vex me ahswear I just paid for this match maker last week but wlhy I dey vex now imagine someone sending me a request I accepted the person after looking at his profile for him to send me a request he must have seen my profile and think we will be comfortable only for him to talk to me asking me for my pictures we exchange contact and shared a picture the next thing he won't talk to u,for me to see ur profile and send request for u ,u accepted me same thing will happen, now my question is are dey not ready for a relationship or wat if yes then why will they register for the matchmaking if no then they have to tell us that I am sorry I don't expect to see u like this I am sorry or I don't have feeling for u so that mutum yasan gwara yayi gaba mu mun bude app dinma sabida munada niyan aure ne kuma abun saiya ringa baka haushi wlhy


Arewa Up Nov 23, 07:47 PM
Please report any account that behaves this way. That is why there is a report button when you visit any profile. Report the person and we will act on it. Thank you
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Anonymous Nov 23, 07:49 PM
Wlhy I accepted 2 request same abunda yake faruwa kenan wlhy nasan niba mummuna bane alhamdulillah inada Dan kyau muga matane duk mace da tayi register app dinnan wlhy she a ready for marriage ko maza if u are not ready then why would u register for the app in the first please same thing I send request ma wani nayi checking profile nashi naga he is looking for a chubby kanuri bla bla I send him a request I shared my picture next thing shuru ,wani rainin wayan ma dayan daya sending mun request he ask for my picture n tura wai yaja cemin he want a sexy pic imagine he was asking me wai ina zuwa abuja bayan yaga profile din nace Borno yaja asking yaushs zan shigo abuja next
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Anonymous Nov 23, 07:51 PM

I will definitely report them wlhy ni I am ready to settle down ne shiysa abun yake bani haushi allah wai dayan harda wnai je want sexy pics kawai unfriendliness dinshi nayi abun y bani haushi allah
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Saadiya idris umar Nov 23, 07:55 PM
yanxu haka mutun 3 sunyi accepting request dina amma shiru ba wata magana ko kuma ka sending request mutun yayi accepting kuma yana jiranka ka kara requesting da bakinka haba mana baku ganin mu matane kuma ansan mace da kunya tunda akayi sending request kunsan ai ana sonku ba sai an fadi ba sai namiji ya cigaba .
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Anonymous Nov 23, 08:00 PM

ba wannan ne zai baki haushii ba kwara ai wanda yayi accepting bbu magana in kaga shuru yayi yawa zaka yi unfriending to inaga wanda har zakuyi magana Amma har phone number dinka zaka bashi but bazai sake maka magana ba kwara in baka yi mishi ba yace gaskiya baka mishi ba ko kuma yace maka aiya samu wata ne zai gwadata he is sorry 😭Amma kawai sai kaji shuru ko me suke so damu oho nina gagara ganewa wlhy
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Truelove Nov 23, 08:10 PM

burinsu ki yi ta bunsu kina tura soyayyar sun turawa mata da yawa request ne kin gane shi yasa wacce bata gama kai yanda suke so ba sai wulaqanci
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Anonymous #1 Nov 23, 08:23 PM
Anonymous Nov 23, 08:29 PM

maiduguri Borno state
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Anonymous #1 Nov 23, 08:30 PM

can we be friends?
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Anonymous Nov 23, 08:33 PM

sure why not which state are u from
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Anonymous #2 Nov 23, 08:36 PM

hhhhh amen harda mumaza masu San aure
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Anonymous Nov 23, 08:37 PM

ameen kuma allah y hadaku d mata n gari
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Truelove Nov 23, 08:38 PM

Na ku mai sauqi ne wallahi
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Anonymous #2 Nov 23, 08:41 PM

amen most of matan yanzu a after money not through love
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Anonymous Nov 23, 08:41 PM

gwara d kace most not all gaskiya
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Anonymous #3 Nov 23, 08:45 PM
am from kano, anyone who ready let's meet
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Anonymous #1 Nov 23, 08:51 PM

your mail or contact.
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Anonymous #2 Nov 23, 08:52 PM

koh, but kinna nuffi you are different 99% all those educated girls da sukaye university they have high expectations in relationship shiyasa most of them a single.
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Anonymous Nov 23, 08:55 PM

u need someone from kano?
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Anonymous Nov 23, 08:56 PM

nima nan I am a graduate and a sivil servant too banida wananan jahilcin kawaide allah y hada kowa d rabonshi
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Anonymous #2 Nov 23, 08:57 PM

hmm that's is your thought Amma tawane banne BA sauki. Amma some of us are facing difficult situation.
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Anonymous #1 Nov 23, 08:58 PM

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Anonymous #3 Nov 23, 08:59 PM

yes drop a contact and let's talk
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Anonymous Nov 23, 09:07 PM

I am not from kano actually I am just asking ?
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Anonymous #3 Nov 23, 09:13 PM

ok then so from Kano
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Anonymous #4 Nov 23, 09:26 PM

hi yar garinmu can we be friends?
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Anonymous #5 Nov 23, 09:43 PM

I beg to disagree…dnt generalize it pls! We are all different people with different wants and expectations! There are lots of girls out there with genuine intentions but, it seems to me some guys don’t appreciate that any more.not every girl is after money and material things! Some guys be acting confused like they dnt even know what they want out of a woman!
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Saadiya idris umar Nov 23, 09:55 PM

nifa na fara jin tsoro don na cire samun miji ta dalilin wani abu kawai ina addua ALLAH ka kawo mijin daya ganni yasanni zai iya aurena. saboda mu da muka taba aure da kace ka taba aure harda yara biu sai kiga mutun ya tafi ko ya fara maki zancen banza.
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Anonymous Nov 23, 09:56 PM

sure ur send me contacts or email
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