Are Profile Pictures Necessary for Matchmaking? Let’s Chat! 🤔
Anonymous Oct 12, 12:28 AM

Are Profile Pictures Necessary for Matchmaking? Let’s Chat! 🤔 0

Hey guys, I want to ask – do you think it’s necessary to put your picture here when looking for a partner? Or would you prefer to keep it private? Some people might be shy or not want their family to see them, especially for those of us in the Hausa community, right? Would you feel better if pictures were optional, or do you think it’s important to see the person you’re talking to? I’d love to know what you think. Ku faɗi ra'ayinku!


HAFSAT zy Oct 12, 01:06 AM
"In my opinion, it's a good idea to post your picture so that anyone who wants to send you a request can see the real you beforehand. That way, they won't send a request and then ask for your picture later, only to say, 'You're not my type.' Looks do matter, too."
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HAFSAT zy Oct 12, 10:02 AM

I don't have to think to show who I really am. I posted my picture the very first day I opened my account, and I don’t have to prove anything because one thing is for sure: if I can’t show the world how I look, that means I don’t love myself. And if I don’t love myself, how can I expect someone else to love me? If you’re going to love me, I expect you to love me for who I am, not just for how I look.
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Anonymous Oct 12, 11:35 AM

It's great that you're confident in showing who you are. How do you think others can build that same confidence when they're unsure about sharing their picture?
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HAFSAT zy Oct 12, 12:07 PM

Thank you for appreciating that!🥰 I think building confidence starts with self-acceptance and understanding that everyone has their own unique beauty Allah gives you that look for no reason. It’s not about fitting into society’s standards but embracing who you are, flaws and all. For those unsure about showing their pictures, it will helps to focus less on how others might judge and more on how they feel about themselves. Build that comfort over time. Ultimately, confidence grows when we stop seeking external validation and learn to love ourselves first. But I don't understand why people want to be in a relationship and yet scared to show who you are?
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N F Oct 12, 12:24 PM
Showing picture is necessary in matchmaking but not be forced if someone is not comfortable with it. You could show your picture to particular people you want to and not just everyone.
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Anonymous Oct 12, 01:37 PM

I’ve noticed some people who are confident sharing their pictures on social media like WhatsApp or Facebook hesitate when it comes to matchmaking platforms. In your view, why might someone feel more reserved about sharing their picture here, even if they’re comfortable elsewhere?
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Anonymous Oct 12, 01:45 PM

You make a good point about showing pictures to selected people. l've seen cases where someone connects based on bio data, and after chatting, they share their picture privately, only for the other person to lose interest. It can feel like wasted time for both. Some people don't even communicate their disinterest-they just stop responding. How do you think we could balance the need for privacy with avoiding situations like this?
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HAFSAT zy Oct 12, 03:04 PM

I think I talk to much today 😂 But I think people might feel more reserved about sharing their pictures on matchmaking platforms because the context feels different like you are looking for partner. On social media like WhatsApp or Facebook, they’re often sharing with people they already know or have some level of trust with. But on matchmaking platforms, there’s more pressure since the purpose is to form romantic connections, and they may worry about being judged solely on their appearance. There’s also the added layer of vulnerability, knowing that people are actively looking at them as potential partners.
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HAFSAT zy Oct 12, 03:25 PM

Exactly! Just like you can’t force someone to post their pictures, you can’t force someone to love. Many people will send you requests, and after chatting for a while, they’ll ask for your picture. Once you send it, they might start acting differently if it’s not what they expected. Unfortunately, some people care more about looks than they do about genuine connection and good behavior. That’s why I choose to post my picture upfront—to avoid that kind of drama later on. so that If you send me a request, I’ll trust that you already know who you’re interested in and what you’re expecting.
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N F Oct 12, 03:33 PM

we can't avoid people losing interest and they do so with or without your picture. Some apps give you the option of showing your picture to who you want when you want. In the world of matchmakin we have to get used and be ready to not getting it the first few times and its ok.
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Anonymous Oct 12, 04:45 PM

You’ve highlighted some really valuable points about trust and vulnerability in matchmaking platforms. Given the unique pressure that comes with looking for a partner, if you were creating a platform, would you choose to make profile pictures compulsory or keep it optional? What do you think are the pros and cons of each approach, especially in terms of helping people feel comfortable and fostering genuine connections?
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Anonymous Oct 12, 04:54 PM

I see your point about interest being unpredictable. Pictures definitely playa role in helping people assess compatibility early on. If you were using a matchmaking app, how would you feel about having the option to show your picture only to those you're interested in? Would that make you more comfortable in starting conversations?
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N F Oct 12, 07:37 PM
Anonymous #1 Oct 12, 07:58 PM
I am curious, @poster whay are you asking? Are you developing a dating app, research or something related.....please answer Also are you a guy or a woman, location and age, single or not if you don't mind please 🥺
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Anonymous #1 Oct 12, 08:07 PM
I love the way you are cross examining the response....that is what triggers my curiosity.
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Anonymous Oct 12, 10:57 PM

I’d prefer not to discuss personal details here, but I’m really interested in understanding how people feel about sharing pictures on matchmaking platforms
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Anonymous Oct 12, 10:58 PM

Thank you. If I may ask would you personally be willing to add your picture on a matchmaking platform? If not, what would hold you back?
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Anonymous #1 Oct 13, 07:19 AM

God!!! 🫣 Mr/miss/mrs Anonymous, you are anonymous...hence the whole point of the anonymity. Actually they are not personal as long your identity is hidden, thanks to the makers of this app.....please if you're developing an app, include that feature for the sake of people like you and myself.....could you be a psychologist or a sociologist🤔.....what are you, please?🥺 are you guy/girl, available/not available😬
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Anonymous #1 Oct 13, 07:41 AM

In my opinion, it is and should be optional, that is the whole point of the internet, it offers to us new opportunities that traditionally we would not have had. Just like in this context specifically, it offers us the ability to be able to get to know someone on a much more deeper and personal level, and make a decision based on that without having our thought processes been distorted by conscious or unconscious biases which may arise due to us registering a picture of that person in our mind. So for me is bigger and beyond just been shy or not wanting my family to see me, but the unique advantage that it offers, and the quality of result gotten. The anonymity Mr/miss/mrs anonymous, you got me right😀.....a lot of people want to be anonymous, not because they are shy, not for fear of been judged, no!!!...we just love privacy✌️ Hope I have answered you, then please answer me too, that'll make it🤨
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Anonymous #1 Oct 13, 07:53 AM

To clarify it for you, making it necessary/compulsory will deprive people like me the ability to be private, whereas making it optional is more inclusive, encapsulate every option and gives everyone the choice....if you like pictures they'll be people like you that have put up their pictures, and if you don't want to, they'll also be others like you......and in our case where you don't like what you see after connecting, and alway have the option of bowing out respectfully.
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Anonymous Oct 13, 12:02 PM

I noticed you mentioned the anonymity feature, but the forum is already anonymous. Could you explain a bit more about what additional feature you'd like to see? It seems like anonymity is important, but I’m curious what specifically would make the experience better for you?
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Anonymous Oct 13, 12:15 PM

Thank you for your thoughtful response😊 I really appreciate the insights you've shared. To answer your question, I’m a man and a software developer, currently doing some research on building a matchmaking app. Thanks to responses like yours and others on this platform, I’ve learned a lot. 🙏 I really appreciate it! 👍
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