Most Male profiles are seeking tall & fair ladies
Jiddarh Tanko Apr 23, 05:52 PM

Most Male profiles are seeking tall & fair ladies 1

ALLAHu Akbar Almost all profile I checked wants fair and tall so who will marry we the dark and average height ladies is alright 🚢🚢


Anonymous #1 Apr 23, 07:04 PM
na so only girl reject my friend dat he's dark
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Jiddarh Tanko Apr 23, 07:08 PM

Subhanallah πŸ˜‚gashi mu bakake ne duk a Nigeria wata kila Bata Shirya aure bane koh kila bai Yi Mata bane so she use that as an excuse
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Abdulkarim Badamasi Apr 23, 07:36 PM
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Most lady profile wants a financially stable man, who will marry the ones that are broke πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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Tijjani Muhammad Apr 23, 07:41 PM

isn't advisable when you are broke to marry. is like going hereafter without faith. if you are not financially stable atless have something doing that will bring income for you. koh Allah yachi tashi in taimakika
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Abdulkarim Badamasi Apr 23, 08:04 PM

a Ina Allah ya fada wannan? Abeg ooo, tashi in taimake ka is common sense and culture, make we no Dey put words in Gods mouth. my comment was banter, ofcourse even the prophet discouraged a lady from marrying someone because he's poor.
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Jiddarh Tanko Apr 23, 08:28 PM

Truth to be told nobody want to end up with a poor man n you pointed it out yourself "financially stable" for me for a guy to think of marriage then he must be stable not necessarily rich but...... at least to be able to look after his wife n her necessities
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Abu-Bakr Apr 23, 08:43 PM

Nidai bazanyi bleaching ba inza,a Sona ahakana to inkuma baza,a Soni ba akara gaba
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Anonymous #3 Apr 24, 08:19 AM
Ra’ayin su ne kuma abin da suke so kenan, kuma mata kuna cewa β€œfinancially stable” idan aka muku magana kuce abin da kuke so kenan…..a bar kowa ya zabi abin da yake so
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Anonymous #2 Apr 24, 10:05 AM
Wannan ra'ayi ne ki gode wa Allah duk yanda kke.
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Jiddarh Tanko Apr 24, 11:30 AM
Anonymous #4 Apr 24, 12:25 PM
Share your picture ok kila Akwai Wanda zakiyi mai
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Mynoor Apr 25, 09:02 PM
wlh fah
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Mustapha Sani Abdullahi Apr 27, 10:49 AM
I'm not after all this characteristics but nafi son mace Mai shekaru da yawa wacce take son aure sosai bata samu miji ba. idan son samu ne from Abuja ko Kaduna nasan insha Allah idan na aure ta zan samu lada
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Stylish May 11, 11:25 AM
Ai kam dai we the blacks and short also who go carry usπŸ₯²
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Ahmad MUHMMAD May 29, 12:18 PM
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