how my marriage was called off
Anonymous Nov 19, 06:27 PM

how my marriage was called off 1

I met this guy during lockdown and we started off pretty well. He met my parents last year and our marriage was fixed. his family and mine were cool. they met a couple of times. my issues with him started when we were about buying lefe. he asked me to make a list of everything I wanted and I did. we started buying things. he spoke to his sister and I guess she told him he shouldn't buy lefe with me. coz out of the blue he switched size and it was always my sister said this , my sister said that. considering the fact that I was way ahead of his sister I felt she couldn't buy anything to my taste. I spoke to him and he refused.... After they brought the lefe to. my house no. one was. impressed about it. not even my parents... so my mum called his sister and spoke to her. the next thing she sent my mum all kinds of messages that we should tell them if we don't want the wedding that we insulted them that our family is way better so they should take there lefe to a poor house where it will be appreciated. and between Allah and I that wasn't what my mum said.... I spoke to him about it and he didn't see anything wrong in what his sister did. rather he was asking me to call her and apologize. I told him I couldn't do that... when my mum ignored his sister. she got my dad's number and told him she has the right to stop the wedding if she wanted to and nothing would happen... so. many things. made me feel like she never wanted me to marry her brother I got so upset that even after everything he didn't apologize to my parents but rather wanted me to apologise to his. I asked him to come take his lefe coz I couldn't get married to him again. I. called off my wedding myself coz I couldn't watch anyone disrespect my parents... no one knows how I feel deep down in my heart and. how I'm hurting... I love him so much yet I had to compromise that for the respect of my parents.... wedding that was supposed to happen in a months time won't be happening anymore. I feel devastated I feel frustrated... I don't know if I did the right thing.


Jibril saeed Nov 19, 06:49 PM
Masha did well the work of prayer, if someone is not good God sent them away.🙏
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Eme Nov 19, 06:49 PM
You did absolutely right my dear. Your husband to be is indecisive and he's not man enough to make a decision as a man. He's getting married to you and not his sister and you're getting married to him and not his so called sister too. How can a sister be so heartless to even disrespect your own family. the depression, confusion, mental illness and all that. I really feel your pain my dear. If you feel you really want to talk to someone or get any advice, please try and email me okay. Take care
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Anonymous #1 Nov 19, 06:50 PM
wow....what u did was very right and insha'Allahu good thngs awaits u for that..... Allah zaaba mafi alkyry
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Anonymous #2 Nov 19, 07:13 PM
Dear poster, may Allah ease your affairs and heal your broken heart🤲. Wallahi you did well there's nothing more important to a child than sustaining his/her parents pride/respect, if you ask me I would say it is Allah creating more befitting and beneficial path for you... InshaAllah you will see Allah taking over more of your affairs from now on.... Him and his family aren't khair for you hence why Allah has made it not to work out between you two..
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Anonymous Nov 19, 07:20 PM

but I still have feelings for me. I feel hurt and I feel very angry at even the thought of him. but deep down I still feel something for me. ... he has always showed me his family came first for him.... n I never complained.... I just felt it was too. much for me to take this time around.... I don't know why I feel this way. I'm supposed to hate him and not think about him.
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Anonymous #2 Nov 19, 07:28 PM

you are bound to feel that way, this is because it is something you have put your entire mind into but what can I say Patience, jst be patient ALLAH knows and sees All, HE does things in his own marvelous ways. who knows what would av become of you if you had married him?? is it humiliation, disrespect or the inhumane treatment his family are going to met out on you especially his sister, wallahi dear although wen certain things happen to us we feel we can't move on but with time we see ourselves moving on and accepting reality because it is the best thing to do...... just take heart and pray Allah knows best and HE will surely do the best for you
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Anonymous #2 Nov 19, 07:32 PM

just try and stop thinking about him and try out new things, stuffs you've always wanted to do inorder to divert your attention and ease your heart, keep praying and just wait and see how Allah turns things around positively in your life InshaAllah I must say I'm indeed proud of you for not going against your parents and upholding your family's honour 💪... just keep it in mind that Allah doesn't burden a soul with what it cannot carry and HE also doesn't create a situation without it's solution...
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Anonymous #2 Nov 19, 07:33 PM

uwlc 😊
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Anonymous #2 Nov 19, 07:35 PM

Ameen ya Rabb 🤲 I'm glad I could be of help 😌
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Mbmustapha Nov 19, 09:03 PM
From now henceforth, the word "rightest" is legal, right and correct to be used. You did the rightest thing sister. Allah ya kawo miki wanda ya daamaa shi ya shanye. Ita Kuma sister, it's so very tempting to insult her. But, lemme just keep mum 🤐
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Yasmeen Nov 19, 10:59 PM
You have made the right decision my dear. Never regret doing so, Allah is with you
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Anonymous #3 Nov 20, 05:44 AM
Dear 😊 postr, you did nothing wrong dan kinqi aurensa ae iyaye b abun wasa bane ! may b shi baisan darajjan nashi bane kuma inshallah allah bazai barki a hakan bah, allah zai baki wani namijin inshallah
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Anonymous #4 Nov 20, 09:45 AM
You did well sis, Allah yayi saving dinki ne and insha Allah he will bring wanda ya fishi komai.. just take your time to heal. May Allah make it easy for us all
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Feesah Nov 20, 10:54 PM
you did the right thing!
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Anonymous #5 Nov 22, 01:48 PM
I respect you putting your family first, he did that also which I don’t blame him for, he appears weak to me but if you love him and want him, both of your family should apologize and set boundaries and standards going forward. But if your mind is made up, insha Allah another will come but grass is not always greener on the other side
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Reerah Nov 24, 01:09 AM
you did the right thing 😤Allah ya baki wanda ya fishi
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