Anonymous Oct 17, 11:52 AM

General 11

About the 25 year old that posted concerning her difficulties few days ago.. Now to assure you of not being alone or Maybe yours maybe a little much better I'm a 25 year old, growing up in a family filled with females didn't really give me the idea of befriending outsiders, my mum was my best friend but few years after loosing her and my father reality Dawn on me, I have no friends at all but jst acquaintances, I always find myself behaving awkward and weird outside and in the midst of people, I always find myself feeling as though I do not belong there. In my 25years of life, I have only dated once and even that wasn't really a serious dating, I feel I'm not attracting any tangible man at all yet my brothers, sisters and acquaintances claim I have the type of body attractive to men. My dear I have learnt to live all by myself to love myself and wait for that destined man from Allah (swt) although there are times also yearn for love but what do I do? Nothing other than to be patient... I hope this little piece can bring you atleast a little peace and calm knowing you are not alone not are you different from every other human out there...


Anonymous #1 Oct 17, 11:59 AM
thank you so much 😊 I’ll wait for Allah time and be patient and move myself
reply 5
Arewa Up Oct 17, 12:11 PM
Thats nice of you to console the poster with such content but this could have been best posted as a reply under the Post New posts are for entirely independent topics. Reply to any post should be made under the the post. Thanks for your cooperation
reply 3
Koolthumyy Oct 17, 05:06 PM
Allahu Akbar May Allah Grant us patience Thank you so much sis.....i really appreciate a lot....i was the one who made that post days ago and I feel so better after the advices I got....i am waiting for service now and I am focusing on myself....i actually saw this on instagram and decided to join....although I haven't gotten money to register on the matchmaking side of this app but I am grateful for this side of the app i'm glad i've got amazing people I could talk to without fear. i realised it's not all about relationship but being happy but in sha Allah since marriage is an act of ibadah I will register soon and keep praying that one day we will meet love in the most beautiful way. jazaakumullahukhayran
reply 5
Anonymous #2 Oct 17, 09:58 PM
wallahi sometimes no matter how hard u try u can't change what Allah has spoken over you, you're not alone as well both men and women experience such things in life.the best thing I think one should do is to zero his/her mind and just believe in Allah... someone somewhere is made for you.. pray for the for the sake of Allah, accept what Allah has ordained for you and be contented.. naturally there are women who men can't approach not because they are not beautiful or attractive... sometimes man can't approach a lady because he think she will not even listen let alone accept him....some women are so beautiful that men are scared to even say hi to them... wallahi every woman have someone who's interested in her....I have a lot to say let me cut it short
reply 3
Jiddah Mohammed Oct 18, 04:13 PM
poster ur not alone on this...patience, tawakul n prayers in sha Allah happiness awaits us
reply 0

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