Maza uhmmm, This guy just left me and i am devastated
Anonymous Feb 27, 10:23 AM

Maza uhmmm, This guy just left me and i am devastated 0

i meet a guy through my best friend when I was going through a lot in life which is break up, I my heart was into pieces and he was also going through break up when we met and we were friends for a month when he expressed his love to me then we started dating after 8 months of us dating he said he want to come see my parents because he wants my family to know him i told my parents he is coming to meet the , the meeting was successful (tho it was long distance we were doing ) recently I don't want went wrong he just broke up with mean while I loved so much right now I suffered from heart issues and right the painful thing is I don't know how to stop loving him I am really hurt badly this is my story


Anonymous #1 Feb 27, 03:25 PM
Allah ya zabar miki mafi alkhairi....Dama ni long distance relationship din nan scam ne Allah! doesn't work for many and funny enough, most of the ladies are loyal amma the guys will be skeptical for no reason..... they will just be using the distance as an excuse. Allah ya baki Wanda ya fishi
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Muhammad Musa Muhammad Feb 27, 09:36 PM
Duk wadda yyi son ransa Allah na Gani. my sister plz your health should be your first priority. Allah will reward you because of genuine love to him. we're about to start fasting make sure kinyi addu'a sosai
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Anonymous #2 Feb 27, 11:16 PM
Did he tell you he broke up with you? Did you ask him what went wrong? If he came to see your family then I think he's definitely serious about it to some extent. If you still love him try having a conversation with him to hear his own side of things. If it doesn't work at least you'll get closure. What missed you was never meant to reach you and what reached you was not meant to miss you
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Anonymous Feb 28, 01:54 PM

I try reaching out to him but he that kind person that doesn't like to talk so I try to have a conversation with him but he is refusing to say anything to me all he says is I don't know what happened to him/ going through with him so k decided to let him because I don't want to push him too much , all he says to me when I ask if he still loves me was Allah ya hada kowa da rabon sa that's all he said to me honestly my heart is hurting so badly that right now I am suffering from heart issues ohhh Allah na
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Anonymous #2 Feb 28, 02:34 PM

I do understand what you've been through.. Our story is very much similar . I met this girl last year. She was heartbroken just like you so was I, they've fixed date for her marriage then all of a sudden the groom said he's not doing. We started out as friends just like yours, It was long distance just like yours, it lasted for 7 months unlike yours which was eight months. She lives in another state and I visited her family late last year. I started noticing changes in her behavior and I complained time and again but she didn't change. I withdrew and that was the end. I loved her but I had to leave for the sake of my sanity... We don't share the same commitment. It's been close to three months but I'm still broken. I've never loved anyone like her. But it is what it is. Don't try to avoid the pain. It is normal. Just find something to keep yourself busy with.
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Anonymous Feb 28, 02:53 PM

I am so sorry about how your relationship ended I know you will find someone better and I believe this for best and I know it isn't easy and thank you for your advice I will stop running away from the pain and what is meant to be will be with God InshaAllah we will overcome it InshaAllah
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Jibril saeed Feb 28, 08:16 PM
mumafa muna diban yanka sosai a wajanku fa
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Anonymous #2 Mar 6, 11:53 AM

Dear ma, Why do you ask?
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Teema1 Mar 6, 09:56 PM

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Reina Mar 8, 02:28 AM

atleast answer her... maybe she wants you guys to meet up🙂‍↔️
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