Have ever had something called Syntribation?😭
Anonymous Aug 24, 12:07 AM

Have ever had something called Syntribation?😭 0

Acts of Squeezing your thighs to get sexual pleasure I'm Experiencing this Since when I was 9years old 😭 I don't even know if it was Haram or not (Ya Allah😭) please someone should help me Explain islamically NB- I am almost 22years now


Mustapha jnr Aug 24, 12:33 AM
you need to get your mind of it.. just googled your case now never heard of it before. the best way is don't always be alone..
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Anonymous #1 Aug 24, 01:01 AM
gaskiya there's allot of hadith that said it's haram. and the best you should stop or try yo get married
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Anonymous #2 Aug 24, 06:00 AM
it's Haram it's Haram I repeat it's Haram
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