Asmau idris haruna
Aug 11, 01:25 PM
Aug 11, 06:57 PM
Aug 11, 07:54 PM
Aug 11, 10:13 PM
Aug 12, 12:24 AM
Aug 12, 12:44 AM
Aug 12, 06:32 AM
Successful Match
The fault in our stars
ana samun matar talaka anan kuwa?
Why the whole attitude ladies and their wahala
marriage/relationship advice nake nima
i found out my fiance has another relationship just before marriage
Leaving someone that you love
what i'm going through due to lack of any relationship
help a sister
feeling sad
Wane course ne idan mutum yayi ze samu aiki General
Buhari retire Politics
Family palava General
what's bad in delaying marriage? Marriage
how i feel about women General
Is it okay to send nudes to your boyfriend? Advice
Addiction problem Advice
Miji na baya saduwa da ni? should i do this? Marriage
can you marry a raped girl? Marriage
Should i do it? she's tempting me Advice
My love for him ??? should I tell him? Advice
Why it's harder for ladies to get husbands. Advice
Why ist hard for me to find true love? Relationship
Friend request Advice
Warning to others! How porn destroyed my life Advice
What do ladies mean by "Financial stability" in men?? General
I need Advice Advice