Why are we doing this?
Anonymous May 13, 11:53 PM

Why are we doing this? 0

I recently stumbled upon a post where the author stated that he can't marry the lady he is with and some people were bashing him without knowing his reasons . I made a post some days back regarding the grief I'm feeling for breaking up with my lover and some were accusing me of not loving her . First just because you like someone and have talks about marriage that doesn't Automatically mean you must marry . If I notice a behavior from you or any other thing that won't make us to be compatible then I have every right to call it off just as you . There's what's known as courtship stage in a relationship,it is in that stage that two potential partners tend to know more about themselves and investigate. If I notice the girl I'm to marry has something that I can't tolerate or will ruin our marriage in the long run , does that make me a bad person ? You can be with someone and along the way you lose interest and realize they were not who you thought they were in the first place , It doesn't mean you want to play them or anything like that. I broke up with my ex because I felt i can't give her what she's asking of,I've sacrificed a lot and done things I haven't even done to my mom but still it wasn't enough for her . Just because I decided to call it off just so both of us can have peace of mind . I was told that I never really loved her and all sort of things . I just laughed at it .


Anonymous #1 May 14, 01:09 AM
you can’t blame commenters as they only know a fraction of the full story. next time give full details
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MuhammadS May 14, 08:37 AM
better safe than sorry.. if you're not comfortable, stay away...
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Anonymous #2 May 14, 10:56 AM

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Dr Sadi Shuaibu May 14, 10:10 PM

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Dr Sadi Shuaibu May 14, 10:12 PM

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Anonymous #3 May 15, 07:08 AM
Not only guys ke yin such habit even we gals do it sbd ana aure ne badan a fito ba
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