wat 2 say abt people who are criticizing other people's religion
Ella kim May 2, 05:15 PM

wat 2 say abt people who are criticizing other people's religion 1

many people take criticizing other people's religion a life time job, is that a good thing obviously no, what I believe is if u cant convince someone to ur religion then u dnt have to be criticizing other people's religion just peacefully practice ur religion and dont cause any fuse. well this is wat I believe, what abt u


Mr. Aulaz May 2, 07:09 PM
You are right, a musulunci ma ba a dole.
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Shamsu Don May 2, 08:25 PM
We have so many bigots a duniya yanzu just as you said practice your own shikenan amma you will see some killing themselves and creating chaos all in the of religion and difference in opinions
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Ayna Jul 14, 10:43 PM
christistian faith said criticizing is the best way to call people to the religion but in islam i dont think so, we are not commanded to do the same
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