Anonymous Nov 16, 08:09 AM


Assalamu Alaikum Warahamatullah good morning everyone please why is that most ladies prefer men that are not married, this actually limit the men that are married to send a request to the ladies, most ladies profiles categorically stated that, and a lot of married men are there willing to bring you home but but the chance has been limited by you, ladies can you explain this. Thank you


Fatima Muhammad husain Nov 16, 08:30 AM
nobody wants a rival definitely, but if Allah wills do ur running finish u will still marry Mai mata, may God bless us with the best kawai
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Ummi1 Nov 16, 08:34 AM
every lady want to go as a first wife,if you see lady going as a second wife,Maybe she is a divorcée ,but if you see a young lady going in as second wife ,that is how the Almighty want it, as a young lady going as second wife,is something that ladies don’t want at all,cuz we don’t love the drama in Polygamy. It would bring competition btw the 2 wives on who to win ur heart and gain ur attention the most. I we aren’t ready for that, and some men aren’t faithful to the second wife gaskiya, Taking the responsibilities in the home and of ur children. Mind u, there are men who married only one wife and can’t take care of the responsibilities of the children, There are men with just one wife living hell and we got men living with more wives living a peaceful life. Na just grace my people.am just talking in general, but it takes a real man to hold polygamy with is two hands, going into polygamy is not easy at all gaskiya,
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Anonymous #1 Nov 16, 09:32 AM
it not easy being a second,third fourth wife but if someone is not destined to first wife is the will of Allah.for me seriously i don't like polygamy maybe because am not open to it.may Allah make it easy for us ameen
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Ummi1 Nov 16, 10:04 AM
we don’t like polygamy at all ,We don't prefer it tho, cos of societal influence and other factors that affects us as women and maybe our children,you can’t TREAT THEM FAIRLY.. even you cannot love your children equally, that in itself is an injustice , you can’t live your wives equally, Polygamy is not a compulsion but an option even our female parent that have co wives accepted out of no choice , It is an innate thing And I don't blame ladies who detest the idea of being a second wife or the husband wanting to marry another wife. Most ladies who are into Polygamy accept their fate because the society and religion imposes such lifestyle on them. Given a choice, majority will gladly reject a Polygamous lifestyle. This is why i have high regard for men who are content with just one wife, Every sane and sensible lady should hate Polygamy. Can a man share his wife with two other men? and the same way you feel that is how we feel when sharing you ,It is common sense and i feel sorry for those who happen to find themselves in polygamous marriage. But it is waning down slowing especially among the youths, Most ladies nowadays considered polygamous marriages a burden unless the uneducated ones.
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Anonymous #2 Nov 16, 08:42 PM
It's difficult dating married men. When u start dating/talking to them, they disappear without an explanation (talking from experience). You'll see 35yr,,,40yr old man looking for an 18yr old... We aren't 18. Truthfully, most women don't like polygamy but some of us don't mind.
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Fatima Muhammad husain Nov 16, 08:53 PM

na the main thing way de vex me be dat with married men, they are always secretive u can't talk to them while at home u can't do this u can't do that, I mean I can't have my man fully to myself that's just it
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Anonymous #3 Nov 16, 11:26 PM
Let me say it's because that's what they want likewise yourself. There are divorcee without kids, you can go for them if you wish for marriage. And I guess they are running away from drama.
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Anonymous #1 Nov 17, 07:58 AM
married men with or without kids I don't think I can cope with them inside marriage,the ones I dated before I experienced hell.most of them don't have time they can only call u wen they are not at home,or at work.seriously now am even afraid of them due to some experience I had with them.i no like trouble at all.i really want a home with peace of mind
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Anonymous Nov 17, 09:29 AM

Where are they, and you girls should understand that, not everyone experiences that polygamy drama as you are saying some house are very peaceful, usually the drama happens in polygamy due majorly 4 factors, 1. The husband if he is not fair just and responsible upright, 2. If the Uwargida is doesn't accept and respect the Amarya as part of the the Family 3. If the Amarya doesn't accept and respect the Uwargida as her sister and 4. The if they allowed the external body that is friends and munafukai to jam their heads. am telling you these are the main reason polygamy uses to have issues if not, polygamy is the most sweetest home or place to live
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Anonymous #4 Nov 17, 09:50 AM
WaAlaykun Salam waramatuh'Allah wabarakatuh.. The answer is simple: fear of the unknown!
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Anonymous #4 Nov 17, 10:00 AM

Your comments are well understood but it just our way of turning away from Allah’s will for us as human. However, whether a woman goes in as first or second, third or forth, the important thing is to get the partner that's yours while going into the marriage with good intentions and fear of Allah (Taqwa). May Allah guide our affairs 🤲🏽.
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Anonymous #4 Nov 17, 10:02 AM

As a Muslim you have to be open to it, it's reality walahi... If you are lucky not to be in one Alhamdulil'Allah but what about your children, grandchildren???
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Anonymous #4 Nov 17, 10:07 AM

SubhanAllah 🤭... Polygamy is the only way and options to get most of women married.. There is absolutely nothing we can do about it and it reality and facts of life.. As Muslims, we shouldn't have any reason(s) or whatsoever to go against it.. Even the non-Muslims aslo believe in polygamy.
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Anonymous #4 Nov 17, 10:13 AM

Actually, divorced women are the best for a man to take as second, third or fourth as the case may be.. But most men are running away from them...
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Anonymous Nov 17, 10:27 AM

Either single or married they are all unknown, all you can do pray and tawakkul, wallahul mustaan
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Anonymous #4 Nov 17, 10:36 AM

As a matter of fact, you don't have to like it because it's Allah’s injunction and if you deny it toh SubhanAllah... If you get married to a man who and takes you alone as his only wife as you deny him of another, there is no guarantee anywhere that he will remain your husband forever. What if something happens and your are separated or he returns to his creator. We can relate it better when as woman we deny our husband to seek another wife because of our selfish interests or fear of the unknown and we find ourselves in the same situation where married men come for us as second, third or forth and his wife also deny you.. More like reaping what you sore right.. May Allah perfect our eeman.
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Anonymous Nov 17, 11:10 AM

Gaskiya your comment sister is weird, look at this "every sane and sensible lady should hate polygamy" haba dai please take it easy the best of mankind Prophet Muhammad SAW was polygamous, and Ummul muminun Aysha may Allah be please with her did detest polygamy so what are you saying if you don't like it fine it's your opinion but don't use harsh words that can even effect your deen because you aren't comfortable with something that is halal and practise by Rasul his wife and companions, like wise saying only uneducated women welcome it, this is very wrong I think you talking ironically, those that are educated both islamically and western they would not say this. May Allah subhanahu wataala guide us right in all our affairs and choose the best for us all amin.
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Ummi1 Nov 17, 12:14 PM
Ummi1 Nov 17, 12:20 PM

am just speaking in general not every woman wish to go into polygamy and every woman want to be the first wife I don't care if my husband is marrying a second wife but I believe every woman want to come as first wife and we don't know what d future holds but the important it in marriage is peace of mind
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Anonymous Nov 17, 12:23 PM

Yawwa sister is now you are talking 😀, but the previous comment was somehow though this one has amended the the former may Allah choose the best for us all
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Ummi1 Nov 17, 12:40 PM

na you no 😂 I was just speaking in general if the Almighty approve of it who are we to say no but 99%of or women hate polygamy and 70% of men aren't fair enough may Almighty Allah guide us to the right part
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