wai meyasa halin maza yake haka???
Phartymerh Mar 30, 12:18 AM

wai meyasa halin maza yake haka??? 1

I was surprised, yanzu 6 years muna tare da miji na, se jiya yake ce min wai Yana dating wata, blah blah blah, abin ya bani haushi sosai, duk abinda ya kamata in yi mai, har fiye in yi Amma still se ya je nemo wata, thank God we don't have a kid yet, if he decides to proceed I'll leave the marriage kawai, either he chose me or her. why are men like this, you rarely find women having affairs after marriage.


Mr. Aulaz Mar 30, 07:53 PM
Just leave him alone, even as a guy, bana san auran mata fiye da daya, for what reason?, if i am not stafisfied with the one i have, i will divorce her and marry another one, but never in my life will i keep 2 wives. irin su ne daga karshe har mata 4 zasu aura, gwara ki rabu da shi , ya fi miki da zama da irin mazan da kullin cikin neman mata suke yi. i wish you all the best sis.
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Najib Ata Mar 31, 02:04 PM
My advice to you sister Is to be patience because what patience does not bring lack of it won't, our religion allowed us to marry up to 4 be fair to your SWEETHEART don't let the devil push you and leave you around I know you loves you husband so don't let this issue be reasons to your separation. If I were a women I would prefer my husband to have 4 wives than been womanizer. If your husband have enough incomes to take good care of you and upcoming wife, and has the ability treat you equal not showing that one is superior or inferior to another, I think you should not worry much about it. Be patience accept your co-wife with open hands Insha Allah you will live the happiest life.
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Deejangala Apr 13, 08:29 PM
Your husband is honest enough to let you know he's dating someone, which is very rare in this generation, my advice is kiyi hakuri since he's not mistreating you he respects you tunda har yafada miki gaskiya.... My sister cherish him please
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Hatty May 23, 02:47 AM

So she aupposed to hug and applaud him for his "honesty"? Such foolishess. Doesn't he know that it is haram to date especially as a married man and he is so shameless too. What there to cherish but poor manners. She doesn't have to accept this from him so don't try to make this seem like he did her some kind of a favor
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Hatty May 23, 02:59 AM
Salam alaykum sister. I know this is a late msg but i just want to say that men in the north have a very distorted/wrong understanding of their position espcially in the family. They keep harping on the point of having 4 wives without knowing the reason and circinstances that warrant multiple wives and they dont care to find out coz at the end of the day most of them are not doing it as an act of ibada but as a ploy to maltreat women and they better remember that Allah is watching them. their intentions and actions and he will judge fairly in this world and the next As the saying goes, duk wanda ta dauki na miji a uba taa mutu maraya. In this case let this be a lesson that whether you remain married to this man or not, when in any relationship dont kill yourself trying to please some man. Do your duty and fulfil your right to him but love yourself too and don't make the mistake of loving or giving more than you are being given. Coz men are alot more selfish than women. You dont want to be let down/heart broken Remember that! I wish you the best
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Deejangala Oct 15, 07:10 PM

Wow wow wow just wow wato such foolishness, i shared my opinion you can as well share yours without the insult. Moreover have you carried out a survey recently to find out how many men out there are infidels with or without their wive's permission? Nobody even pays attention to religious rulings anymore, both the men and women. I've said my piece and I'm not going to insult you back because I'm a respectable member of the group so behave yourself.
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Anonymous #1 Feb 5, 07:44 PM

Jelousey everywhere. ...wow intresting. ...I have never heard where it is haram to date another girl so far he has the intentions of marrying her as a wife. He is married and wants to add another wife it's not haram anty. ...don't let your jelousy get the bad side of u
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