Dec 25, 07:17 PM
Android or Iphone
This has long been debated. I bet everyone has his/her own reason. Lets hear what each other reason is for choosing which.
Mine is that Android (Note 20 Ultra)
1. The S pen is something else you have to try it to know it should be part of any phone where you can use it as a remote to snap pictures, sign documents or control your media content etc
2. Multitasking allows me use or open 5 n more applications in a pip screen which an iPhone can't
3. The battery life lasts me 1day n half
4. Reverse wireless charging allows me charge my other phone wirelessly
5. The camera is perfect n can even zoom at the moon
6. Samsung Dex allows me transfrm my phone to a computer n use a tv monitor
7. Expandable storage to 1terrabyt
8. Use of Google home to automate appliances
9. Google maps n Google sky applications