i be mumu, i sent my sensitive details to someone, am i safe please?
Anonymous Dec 23, 05:04 PM

i be mumu, i sent my sensitive details to someone, am i safe please? 0

so I sent my BVN and NIN to a online friend I don't know pls don't ask me how, the deed has been done I just want to know if I am safe😂 are my other accounts safe too because omo...I can't sleep no one should criticise me for Allah sake, I just want to know if I'm safe...


Saniieam Dec 23, 05:30 PM
You're not safe at all except if you know him and where he resides and may be his family
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Anonymous #1 Dec 23, 05:43 PM
will you stop laughing 😂 and went and block your accounts or you want to be mumu forever 😂common guy you aren’t safe
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Jibril saeed Dec 23, 05:47 PM
you're not ohhh with that he can buy a brand new phone easy pay and you'll be paying monthly.
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Anonymous #2 Dec 23, 08:15 PM
you are safe BA abinda zaki faru kill yourself down
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Anonymous Dec 23, 08:42 PM

so what do I do? are u saying I can't use both bvn and nin to open a new account
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Nasssss9 Dec 23, 09:17 PM
Walh kina ruwa, daga ganin wannan post din nasan mace ce, go to ur bank and explain to them everything in details, but for now transfer all ur money into ur siblings account, they can use ur nin to register new sims and commit dangerous crimes and much more, please everyone should be careful. No mad man will give you free money online
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Dr A A Dec 23, 09:39 PM
subhanakallahumma wabihamdika nash hadu an lailaha illa anta astagfiruka waatubu ilaik🌚
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Alkotowiy Dec 24, 09:52 AM
You're very safe. There's nothing he can do with those pieces of information. But hope you've not sent him your ATM card pin and those 16 numbers? Torrr
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Anonymous #3 Dec 24, 01:37 PM
There’s nothing he can do. Your money is safe in your account unless you give out your atm details and OTP. Just be careful next time. 👊🏽
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Elsadeeq sk Dec 25, 07:46 AM
😂💔 who’s the guy ?
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