Please help me
Anonymous Apr 16, 06:33 PM

Please help me 5

Asalamalaikum, please is it advisable for intending couples who are both AS to get married? And if they already are is it a ground to annul the marriage as they are no kids yet?


Mr. Aulaz Apr 16, 07:27 PM
Yes, if you don't want to have SS children its better to dissolve the marriage.
reply 1
Anonymous #2 Apr 16, 07:43 PM
We'll, it depends weather you want kids or not, I personally don't want kids. in my case it won't be an issue, but if you want kids then I think it's better you annul the Marriage
reply 6
Anonymous #1 Apr 16, 09:39 PM
Ya Allah! Please if they are not yet married, they shouldn't. If you really want to know the pain sickled cell patients go through visit a hospital wallahi you will not even attempt it. And if they are already married with no kids they can dissolve it, its for the benefit of both the parents and the children to be born
reply 5
Anonymous #3 Apr 21, 02:14 AM
Waalaikumussalam For me I think if they aren't married they should not get married and if they r married already there r two ways to it a. If they don't mind living their lives without children they can keep their marriage b. If they would like to have kids , there is this method of testing the foetus for its genotype ,if the baby happens to be SS the pregnancy is been terminated. However, the Islamic implication of this is what I don't know.May Allah guide us all.
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