feeling sad
Anonymous Dec 29, 11:10 PM

feeling sad 0

Assalamualaikum, wonderful people on this forum. I HOPE YOU TAKE SMALL TIME OUT OF YOUR TIME TO READ MY STORY. I'm feeling sad, and my heart is heavy. Maybe sharing this with you will make me feel better. My boyfriend of two years and I broke up at the end of 2023. It wasn't because we fought or anything; it was just a misunderstanding caused by our families. We were fine until that misunderstanding. Knowing the mistake was mine, I pleaded with him to get back together because I still love him. When I was dating him, I didn't double-date, so finding someone new was difficult for me. After pleading with him, he said no, and I felt rejected. It was as if he never loved me, because I believe if he did, he would have given me a second chance. Since it wasn't even my fault, I told myself to let him go. I was praying hard for Allah to help me forget him.However, from time to time, he would call to check up on me or send messages. Last week, I brought myself low and asked him for a second chance, after saying no to the first request and he said he would think about it. I was angry at myself for stooping so low; I felt like a beggar. So, I blocked him on all media handles and blocked his contact.I convinced myself that I'm fine and will be fine without him. Then, one day, I saw a call from an unknown number, and when I called back, I heard his voice saying he was checking up on me. I said thank you, and after the call, I sent him a message telling him not to call until he had finished thinking about whatever it was he wanted to think about. Honestly, I feel so pathetic, all because of love. The annoying thing is that I haven't given anyone else a chance when I was with him


Anonymous #1 Dec 30, 07:11 PM
Same thing happened to me sis you are not the only one mine was more than two years relationship but we move, at first it will be hard but with time you will be fine sis Insha Allah just keep praying and be busy with other stuffs.
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Anonymous Dec 30, 07:17 PM

thank you sis but is not easy wallahi I am a graduate waiting for service so for now I am at home I don't have stuff to keep me very busy 😔 if I was in school it will be easier for me
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Abdulwaliyyu Dec 30, 09:16 PM

there are so many things to keep yourself busy with, it doesn't necessarily have be school related. Anyways you just have to move on with your life and forget about him in fact if possible try to give love another chance with someone else.
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Ibrahim 1 Dec 30, 10:38 PM
never beg to be love
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Ibrahim 1 Dec 30, 10:41 PM
give me a chance...I will treat you like a queen
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Anonymous #1 Dec 30, 11:02 PM

I totally understand healing is not that easy kam especially when u are idle se a hankali, there are tips that might help chat me tru my insta @nin30.3
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Anonymous Dec 31, 08:23 AM

I have learnt my lesson
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Anonymous Dec 31, 08:24 AM

and you won't treat me bad??
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Abdulwaliyyu Dec 31, 10:09 AM

haba it's nothing... besides why are we here if not to support one another in one way or the other.
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Ibrahim 1 Dec 31, 12:41 PM

yes.... I will not..how can I get to know you better?
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Anonymous Dec 31, 01:21 PM

j247ohhhh@yahoo.com my email address
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Anonymous #2 Jan 1, 01:47 AM

you will also not treat him bad??
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Anonymous #2 Jan 1, 01:49 AM

I will advise you guys should take it slow start as friends
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Anonymous Jan 1, 12:07 PM

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Anonymous #2 Jan 1, 06:56 PM

inshallah??😂🤣😂 Yes or no
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Anonymous Jan 2, 06:53 AM

i don't really know your problem fa did you want me saying yes on something I don't know and I have no power on vrr besides I think whenever someone says insha Allah I feel mutum yagama komai
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Emine Jan 4, 01:07 AM
I healed from a 4 years and I believe you too can🥹, The only thing that kept me entertained was prayers and also I forced myself to forget about him…Don’t beg for love Dearest sis, just keep praying and everything will be fine😊
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Abdillahi Shuaibu Jan 8, 12:38 PM
Healing isn't actually easy, but stay strong and also constant dua, Allah will give you the right person when it's time.
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Abusardeeeq Jan 14, 11:41 AM
OMG! It seems as if he was tired of you,he is so irrational...you are nothing but a good person who deserves more but looking at it in another way it just a thing to tell you be strong 'life isn't that easy' as such you shud expect worst from people you love,more importantly never expect love in return..Never grief over what is avoiding you,I believe that isn't the best for you.it better to encounter rough interaction at early stage than when you're wholly into the thing...all the best thou..
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