Why are women Generally in our society so obsessed with Marriage these days
Anonymous Feb 8, 06:13 PM

Why are women Generally in our society so obsessed with Marriage these days 6

Marriage is Good, but the obsession just gets on my Nerves. You will see a girl of 22yrs or there about complaining that she is worried for not having a boyfriend, like WTF. You will see many all around having relationship and boyfriend issues. WHY WHY WHY? I am a male approaching 30s and have never been in any relationship, i am focused on my work and career, i am not even interested in that thing, and it really gets on my nerves seeing women fall into this hallow hole of delusion. If you don't have a boyfriend, so what?? get a life and do something please and don't be stuck. I know the post sounds aggressive its really just getting on my Nerves. All they want to achieve is Aure, Aure, Aure, shikenan nothing on the other side. Please know that there is more to life!!!


Saudat Mansur Feb 8, 06:39 PM
Bakina da goro🤐@dr AA come forward
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Meemaahh Feb 8, 06:47 PM
I wish our parents and the society will understand this point. We lived in a society that mace na wuce 20 batayi aure ba shikenan za’a fara harassing dinta, they will be like taki aure Sai aiki tasa gaba. People will be looking down on her and talking to her anyhow just because she’s not married
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Anonymous #1 Feb 8, 06:50 PM
Ehhhh, habibi are you sure your ok?… do you have any health problems? have you being diagnosed? or is that feeling just towards female? sorry I dn’t mean to sound offensive, its just a question
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Anonymous #4 Feb 8, 07:09 PM
very very funny with the way this our current society is, is it when a girl is done achieving her goals you want her to get married? or you want her to pursue work and career before thinking of when to settle down ? you approaching 30 and never in a relationship abin koyi ne ko abin birgewa ne ? I dont just understand
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Anonymous #2 Feb 8, 07:18 PM
funny enough people who normally say all these are the ones who find it difficult to get someone to love them ... bcoz come to think of it , you’re approaching your 30s and you haven’t been in any relationship. you need to see a doctor or you ask a mallam to pray for you maybe you have a wife in the sprite world or you go to your village and wash your head in the river.or maybe your age is jz adding up but you’re mentally stagnant. again maybe your attitude chase people away from you. bcoz I know of wealthy women in there early 20s or late 20s who seek for a good man in there life’s . is not jz work
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Khadijah Saleh Imam Feb 8, 07:32 PM
uhmmm smiles, chill guy, aure sunnah ne plus i don't think it normal at the age of 30 u ve never been in a relationship @ all👀👀 haaa, pray tahajjud more ask for Allahs mercy, buh anyway is upto you may be 🤷 maybe not, Ok the 2nd thing is my fellow babies💕, We need to do more if the love is not working i mean kapin aure yazo let keep praying hard & focus on the real phase, karki che saboda kinjima without saurayi, & just settle 4 less,Honey aure is a life time journey, you ve to choose a better father fot your unborn kids, i belive In Sha Allah wen the right times comes Allah will make it easy, so baby dont rush it, dnt keep thinking about it all the time, you ve other better things to think of🤷🤷🤷just a little thinking from my side anyway💯💯
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Mai Nama Kano Feb 8, 07:56 PM
Ni kuma a gani na rashin fahimtar meye auren yasa muke sukarshi, wai yarinya of 22, kullum gaskiyar da muke daukewa Kai itace; rashin wannan auren da muke kyama yana daya daga silar matsalolinmu....
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Kubu Feb 8, 08:32 PM

I don’t understand Hausa but you’re so funny especially when you said he should be praying tahajju like it might be a spiritual problem ahbii😁😁😁
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Musa mufida sanda Feb 8, 09:06 PM
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Anonymous #3 Feb 8, 09:15 PM
hmmmmmm...well ...how I wish our society today will think in this same direction...well don't blame dem...ryt from childhood u are told dat your biggest goal or achievement or pride or honour is too get married ....basically this is wat is installed in every woman's head especially in the North.. so therfore wat else do u want them to think or talk about....I mean from 18 to 20years almost all your friends are married nd u are not of course u will b worried bcus ppl will start asking and frustrating u to get married..its so annoying that we don't set any goals for ourselves rather than getting married nd being with a man even if he beats u or maltreats u....lol nd the funny part is if u are successful....its still guys like u dat will go after the small gals nd leave the successful ones....lol....we are a messed up generation wallahi
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Haidar Ali Feb 8, 09:15 PM
You've got a point but then you are somewhat off point or should I say your personal interest is way too vested in your writeup IMO. What should be of concern is a girl 17 to 20 years of age getting worried over that. But a girl of 22 should begin to think towards that line. Not to the extent of getting worried sha. But you should understand their cause for being worried. Some are pressured by family and rest of the society. While others are just scared that if they go beyond certain age no man will look their way. As lots of guys prefer young girls. Kuma they've seen how their elder sisters, neighbours are still not taken. So it scares some of them. You being in your early 30s or approaching 30 and never been in a relationship is different. You can't compare yourself to a lady. Your current age is what some ladies see as the minimum benchmark for marriage as they consider those below that age as too young for them (even go as far as saying "yaro ne" or yayi min yaro dayawa" to someone 3 to 5 years older than them 😆😄 very annoying). So it's okay for you to be focused on what you're focused on. In fact you should be.
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Haidar Ali Feb 8, 09:25 PM

It's normal o abeg. 😄😄😄 Some of us just prefer not to approach ladies or be in a relationship until we know we're ready. It won't be funny if you're in a relationship with a girl and she suddenly says to you "an ce ka turo" when you don't even have the capacity to fully cater for your yourself ket alone another human. And to also avoid "ya yaudare ni ya bata min lokaci bayan mun shafe shekaru Kaza muna soyayya". Other reasons are there for one to be 30 and not in a relationship. So...
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Haidar Ali Feb 8, 09:36 PM
Xynb ibrhm Feb 8, 10:00 PM
May be u did met the right lady
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Xynb ibrhm Feb 8, 10:02 PM
Anonymous #5 Feb 8, 10:32 PM
banga comment din Dr A A ba, bari inje in dawo
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Khadeejert Feb 8, 11:15 PM
guy try dey calm down e get Y, re u a professor? no offense ooooooo, bt can we know ur net worth, oshey president serious money makers association/ single pple nation. Guy like kilode u really mst not mke it sound rude nah. Bold of u to even think been single at ur age is an achievement 😒 beta start thinking of how to complete ur DEEN nd flush dat getting in ur nerves wahala down d toilet. abeg start dey pray for midnight, e get Y. I come in peace 🚶🚶
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Rukayya Abdullahi Wali Feb 9, 12:38 AM
society ne sai ayi ta nuna ma mata idan basuyi aure ba they have failed in life.
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Nemmss Feb 9, 05:40 AM
The problem is somtyms we dnt even tynk about it but our society has filled it into our head dat as a lady if u aint married by dat tym u re notyn. u tynk its easy livin in an environment where everyday u re reminded of d fact dat u re a failure bcos u aint married??? uhnn.its not easy wllh. dats y alot settle fr less nd end up suffering just like dat.
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Adama muhammad Feb 9, 06:03 AM
than marriage i wish parents understand this
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Ahjummaah Feb 9, 09:20 AM

exactly Dan uwa wlh most of us tawakkaline yake rikemu daga fadawa mahalaka wlh if not family pressure din nan yanasa mu depression wlh is not easy tun bama damuwa har mufara damuwa wlh
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