Finding it hard to connect with people
Anonymous Oct 17, 11:31 AM

Finding it hard to connect with people 2

Ever since i was little i have always been shy, i get anxious when i am around people and i find it hard to make friends even when i do we tend to part a few weeks later. I attended 3 different secondary boarding schools with hopes of changing the story but i end up with the same results. When i was in Jss3 i discovered m@sturbating and it helped me a lot. I stopped bothering if i had friends or not as i was satisfying myself. I was really tall for my age back then and i stood out amongst my peers. Then i had a growth spurt and i gained 5 inches within a year and people started seeing me as someone older than his age. I started getting advances from women way older than me but i wasn't interested as i unfortunately got addicted to m@sturbation. Now I've gotten all i've always wanted but i kept pushing people away. I graduated from Uni in October 2020 and between then and now i have been in 5 different relationships and i was the cause of the failures i didn't cheat but i didn't care about my partners' feelings as i almsot immediately didn't see the need for intimacy immediately we start dating because of my addiction to m@sturbating. I made a commitment to stop masturbating on September 15th and this past one month has been hard, the addiction and urge are starting to fade. But i still find it hard to feel anything for anyone, i've done researches on how to make whoever i fall in love with happy also how to connect but nothing positive has come out of it, instead i keep fantasising on how I'll treat my princess right even when i know i am emotionally unavailable. Are there any off the book tips i can get from my brothers and sisters on this platform. I plan to be a husband and father in next couple of years but i am scared i will become a terrible one. I don't want take an innocent woman from her parents and then treat her in an inhumane manner. Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. ❤️


Anonymous #1 Oct 17, 12:10 PM
oooh dear poster May Allah ease your affairs drop your WhatsApp contact pls I have an advise for you
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Arewa Up Oct 17, 12:13 PM

It would be best if you drop the advice here, so others may benefit too Someone may be in a related situation too and come across the post
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Anonymous #2 Oct 17, 12:17 PM

Honestly I don't think him posting his number here will be a good idea. and I doubt he will. Why not share the advice here with us so that we can all benefit? jazaakumullahu khairan
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Haidar Ali Oct 17, 12:20 PM
Dear post, I may not have tips or advices to give but I pray Allah SWT rectify your affairs.
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Zahrau haladu Oct 17, 12:33 PM
Dear poster may Allah azzawajallah ease ur affairs
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Anonymous Oct 17, 12:37 PM
Anonymous #1 Oct 17, 12:44 PM

yeah sure I want to share some advices on your situation but some are written in Ebooks so I'll just keep my Gmail here who ever wants it should message me through this email
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Anonymous #1 Oct 17, 12:46 PM

I don't know how to share an ebook here so I think the Best idea is I should just drop my email address and who ever is in need of the ebook should contact me and I'll share it with you fisabilillah
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Ibrahim abdullahi Oct 17, 12:51 PM
guy you got to stop this...the best way is for you to get married
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Anonymous Oct 17, 01:17 PM

I want to, my family and i planned this year but things didn't go as we expected. And i still having trouble forming deep connections. I don't like the idea of getting married because i am lonely. My mother went through a horrible marriage and i won't want to happen to anyone because of me. My mother and her friends have given me people but it's just not working. I have moved it to next in hopes of being better. I just pray Allah forgives my past and not let it affect my future.
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Anonymous #2 Oct 17, 01:28 PM
Sgabdo Oct 17, 11:20 PM

Brother In sha Allah you will be All this things you want to Have identify You Problems. This is A Good Achievement. So First Reather than Building Link And Connection With Peaple. i will Advice you To Start Building that relationship With Allah...When You Have That Link with Allah Nd You are Determined To Be The Best Husband and A Father you will be... we Are Capable of Change as Humans So if we make it Goal To Cahange our Self A Bliv We Will, So I will Advice you To Bliv That You Can Change You Negatives To Possitive.. and Insha Allah Allah Will Help You. Nothing is Impossible
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Anonymous #3 Oct 20, 08:59 PM
my advice for you would be to stop admitting that you are lonely as for your addiction well I'm glad that you have willed yourself to stop and its a courageous thing to do and if you ever feel tempted to do it read the quran or listen to it. And we will continue to pray to God to ease it for you Allah ya yimana mae kyau
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Yusufmohd Nov 6, 10:40 AM
Kasa aranka kana son ja daina shi ne mataki na farko.
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