is this true about the so called Abuja big boys?
Anonymous Sep 28, 05:11 AM

is this true about the so called Abuja big boys? 3

They are always expecting something huge? they like to flash and show that they are rich but deep down they are broke and just packaging themselves. Rayuwar karya dai, they not humble, se ji da kai . These are some of the things i hear about them.


Anonymous #1 Sep 28, 05:30 AM
It is true fa, to some extent but anyone that even classifies himself as Abuja big boy is unserious about life, then later life will humble and turn him to just a regular man. Kaga mutum be da ko sisi amma se ji da kai, da rayuwar karya. abun haushi.
reply 7
Jidds Sep 28, 06:50 AM
Wlh very true,taking loan to go for vacation just to get attention,fake life..big boys packaging 20k them no get..we see them everywhere
reply 4
Amine Sep 29, 07:06 PM
reply 0
Nasir Mujahid Sep 29, 09:41 PM
They are always expecting something huge! that is true
reply 1

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