fantasy love and marriage
Ahmadu20 Dec 30, 09:31 AM

fantasy love and marriage 0

recently I have been coming across many post and comments regarding one's spec in choosing a partner or spouse. it's really good having a spec or desire partner whether busty, chubby, slim, tall, curvy, average, short, fair, dark and chocolate. what I will like to draw our attention to is that marriage is much more than having your desire spec. you might end up having your spec but not happy as you thought you should be, why because marriage is all about tolerance. your spec of partner might not have the attitude and characters you expect her to so what happened then is that you endure and tolerate some of his/ her negative behavior because no one is completely perfect and the sooner we realized that perfection is for the Almighty only then we will achieved the peace and tranquility for the rest of our lives


Anon Lady Dec 30, 10:01 PM
louder....Amma sadly ba'a dauka
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Uncletee Dec 31, 12:59 PM
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Bnana kaila Dec 31, 02:57 PM
d fact you well said what is in my mind. May Allah bless you.
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Nana zainab Jan 2, 12:12 AM
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Ahmadu20 Jan 2, 07:08 AM

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Ahmadu20 Jan 2, 07:09 AM

Allah yasa su dauka
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Ahmadu20 Jan 2, 07:09 AM

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Anonymous #1 Jan 4, 01:43 AM
And what if the ones that are not our spec have a bad character, and the ones that are our spec have everything? I think it goes both ways.
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Ahmadu20 Jan 4, 07:20 AM

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