Need information on Hepatitis A, B and C
Anonymous May 26, 06:51 PM

Need information on Hepatitis A, B and C 0

please, can someone shed more light for me on hepatitis A, B, and C? Which one is the most dangerous? Can hepatitis B be a non-communicable disease?


Anon Lady May 27, 04:13 AM
A little introduction here:hepatitis is an infection of the liver caused by a group of viruses (hepatitis A,B,C,D,E&G) HepA&E re typically caused by ingestion of contaminated food or water. hepB,C&D re caused by contact with contaminated blood or body fluids. HEV usually affects Preg women and HGV has low occurrence.HepB and C lead to chronic diseases. now coming back to ur question, HAV is usually a self limited dx with incubation period of 2-6wks,occur due to lack of hygiene and sanitary conditions,HAV does not cause chronic hepatitis or a carrier state. HBV and HCV re the most dangerous,they re almost similar in many spectrum.Although HBV is considered more deadly cause it is "slow infection" it stays longer in the body before it manifest, and it doesn't show symptoms quickly .on the other hand HCV turns quickly into a more chronic condition than HBV and Take note plz HBV has vaccine while HCV has no vaccine anothet reason why HCV is not friendly!!!.ur last word "HBV is communicable (remember anything blood and body fluids is home for hepatitis virus,irrespective of groups!!!! just like HIV transmission)
reply 2
Anon Lady May 27, 08:29 AM
Anonymous May 27, 08:36 AM

Thank you. Please What is your advice for a person with HBV to marry a woman without HBV(She has not taken the HBV vaccine yet)? Thank you
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Anon Lady May 27, 12:48 PM

Of course Yes,If he's taking his drugs why not🤷‍♀️...... Normally if a person is diagnosed positive for HBV, He/she is place on drugs . The patient will be taking the drugs for 3months duration,After 3months another test will be conducted to see the response of treatment, if there's a successful response shikenan the pt will continue with his drug routine for life and He/She can get marry.... The other partner tested negative will get the vaccine and finish the doses shikenan a sha budiri.... As long as the HBV positive pt follows this steps,and is taking the routinely drugs prescribed the viral loads reduces. And when the viral loads reduces it means the HBV carrier can't transmitt the infection, zai zama the pt has infection but it's not transmissable cuz the viral load is too weak to cause infection and even if it gets into the system of the vaccinated partner it can't cause anything due to it weakness and the vaccine in the system will kills the virus before it even start circulating.
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Anon Lady May 27, 01:02 PM

the whole goal is to prevent the carrier from the infection turning into chronic one and prevent others from acquiring the infcetion.... As long as the viral loads reduces ,it's a win win on both side😊..... hope you understand a little about Heptitis infection?
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